The value of a full head of hair to a person is often understated. It is not until a person begins to experience hair loss that they realize just how valuable it is to them. Also, aside from the visible effects of balding, it can have a huge psychological impact on a person, who may suffer a loss of self-confidence in accordance with their hair loss.

You may be surprised to note that around 40% of men suffer from noticeable hair loss by their 40s, with male pattern baldness the key driver of this.

By the age of 60, an estimated 65% of men will have showcased signs of balding, while this number increases to 80% in citizens aged 80 or older.

This underlines the prevalence of male pattern baldness in the modern age while highlighting just how likely it is to impact on younger men.

For young men in their teens or early 20s, there’s no doubt that it can be a tremendous source of stress, anxiety and in some instances depression.

Some of the chief causes of hair loss cannot be changed, for instance a person’s genes or an autoimmune condition such as lupus. Most factors leading to hair loss, however, are preventable. By including more protein and vitamins A and B in your diet, succumbing less often to stress, or simply not placing as much strain on your hair from bleaching or ponytails, the likelihood of dramatic hair loss is minimized. Also, you can avail of over-the-counter treatments such as Minoxidil  Finasteride, or Rogaine for women both of which have been proven to strengthen hair significantly and prevent the onset of baldness.

The infographic below from Union Quay Medical Centre ( offers plenty of encouragement for people experiencing hair loss, suggesting ways in which the problem can be alleviated for both the short-term and long-term.

How You Can Conquer Hair Loss