It is a fact that obesity and diabetes go hand in hand. In fact, obesity is one of the biggest factors associated with Type II diabetes. Out of control blood glucose levels will eventually lead to kidney disease, serious eye problems and stroke. While your doctor will prescribe insulin or some other type of drug, like Diastine, that lowers blood glucose, it is also important to focus on your weight. Below, you will discover several tips to help you reverse diabetes.

Reduce Sugar Intake

One of the first things you will need to do is reduce your sugar intake. Refined carbohydrates and quickly absorbed sugar convert to sugar, which in turn increases insulin levels. Over time, this will lead to Type II and insulin resistance diabetes. By reducing your sugar intake, you will be able to effectively manage your blood glucose levels.

Eat Whole Foods

Whole foods that are unprocessed are a good source of nutritious benefits. These foods are capable of balancing blood glucose. By adding whole, unprocessed foods to your diet, you will see improvement in your blood glucose levels. While the whole foods are reducing your blood sugar levels, they are also working to help your body stave off cardiovascular disease and cancer. They can also slow the progression of aging.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is a great way to get your pumping. It is also a great way to combat obesity, which as you know is associated with Type II diabetes. By exercising regularly, you will be helping to decrease your blood glucose levels. According to the American Heart Association, 30 minutes of brisk walking, swimming, bike riding and utilizing an elliptical five days a week will help reverse diabetes.

To determine how effective these 30-minute exercises are, you can check your blood sugar immediately before and after. If your reading is over 300 mg/dL, you should avoid exercising and instead call your primary care physician.

Monitor Your Blood Sugar

If you’re going to conquer diabetes, you need to do everything possible to keep a close eye on your blood sugar levels. If you do not, there is a good chance that your levels will get out of line and you won’t be able to act in time. When you begin noticing the symptoms of high blood sugar, you need to prick your finger and test your levels. Use a glucose meter to check your reading. If the levels are high, you need to take action right away. Use the insulin that has been prescribed by your doctor. This will keep you safe and help prevent unwanted side effects.

Get A Doctor’s Checkup

Just because you’re feeling great doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re healthy. There could be something going on behind the scenes. This is why you should consider getting a doctor’s checkup on a regular basis. Try visiting the doctor at least every 3 or 4 months. Your doctor will be able to inspect you and determine whether anything is wrong. If there is something wrong, finding out early could save your life and reverse diabetes.