Exercising outdoors is actually associated with a lower level of perceived exertion because it trains your mind into actually enjoying your exercise sessions activating endorphins. Your goal when personal training is to burn body fat and to change your body composition into more muscle. Having more muscle on your frame means your body will also burn more calories at rest, even when you are not moving allowing you to lose body fat fast. Excellent!

Tom Venuto, body building pioneer summarised training for the everyday person nicely when he said “Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle”

Combine the three pillars of fitness being nutrition, cardio and strength training into your personal training program. Doing so will create a massive synergy that activates the exponential effect for weight loss.

Let’s talk nutrition. Tolose body fat fast you will need to intake slightly less calories than your body burns. Women generally should restrict their daily calorie intake to between 1200-1500 calories. Men usually should stick to between 1500-1800 daily calories. It’s best to eat whole foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, whole grains and lean cuts of meat to provide you with longer lasting energy because there isn’t much room in your calorie requirement to include junk food which contains “empty calories” (non-nutrient dense calories). Busy individuals may benefit from pre-ordered calorie meal plans. Watch you calories like a hawk because one cookie which is like 300 calories takes on average a full hour of exercise to burn off. Remember not to drop too many calories off your daily requirement as you body may go into “starvation mode” burning away much required muscle and start storing fat by slowing its metabolism in anticipation that it next meal is uncertain. That’s why very low calorie diets often fail.

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well” Virginia Woolf

According to fitness guru , Tom Venuto, you should be including 30 minutes of vigorous, sweaty cardio into your weekly exercise program four to six times per week. Most people need four to six days per week. Here’s the kicker-it needs to be at least 30 minutes of continuous cardio since the oxygen uptake has to be rapid enough to activate the fat burning enzymes. Aerobic or cardio exercise means “with oxygen” and includes running, elliptical, spin cycling, treadmill or rowing. Wear a heart rate monitor to track the intensity to sustain between 70-75% of your heart rate max.

Finally, to prevent your body from losing muscle when in calorie deficit, you will need a weights program. To lose body fat fast, compound lifts involving the major muscle groups of the back, chest, bottom, core and thighs is best. Compound exercises involve more than one muscle group and burn a heap more calories than traditional isolation exercises. Do 8-10 reps of 70% one rep max once your technique is perfect, do 3 sets.


Doug McDade is known for his honest, friendly no-hype approach to health and fitness. We all lead busy lives working in offices, glass cubicles and buildings. He encourages people to unplug and reconnect to nature by exercising outdoors to breathe in the fresh air, feel the grass in their toes and absorb some much needed vitamin D from the sunshine. Lastly, as the go to personal trainer he feels it’s his duty to show people that health and fitness doesn’t have to be difficult because it needs to be a part of their everyday lives.