Sports are one of the easiest ways to stay healthy and active, because it’s fun and doesn’t necessarily feel like exercise. However, not everyone is into sports, and that’s completely alright. There are other ways to get the exercise that your body needs without playing sports, and it can actually be fun!

When people think about exercising, they mostly think about going to the gym or participating in some sort of team sport, but this isn’t everybody’s cup of tea. Instead, try one of these fun exercise alternatives that aren’t playing sports.


Some people don’t think of swimming as exercise, and they are wrong about that. You know that exhausted feeling that you have whenever you get out of the pool? That is because you are getting a lot of exercise without even noticing it!

Swimming is very easy on your joints and the rest of your body, because when you are in the water, you have less weight. This means that you can get a lot of exercise while having a good time, engaging your muscles in ways that you typically don’t.

If a day at the pool doesn’t interest you, then there are a lot of fun activities that you and your friends can enjoy while you are in the water. You can try something like water aerobics or even volleyball in the pool. There are also games such as Marco Polo that will get your body moving and give you a good workout all while you are having fun. This is what makes swimming such a great alternative to typical sports.


Yoga is a great option for those who don’t like sports but are looking to get some more exercise. The best part about practicing yoga is that you can make it whatever you feel comfortable doing, and still get a great amount of exercise while doing so. There are several different levels of practice, so even if you have never tried yoga before, you will not feel as though you are completely lost to the practice.

A lot of places have really fun yoga options such as outdoor yoga or even yoga with animals. This takes your mind off the fact that you are exercising and instead lets you genuinely enjoy what you are doing. Plus, because the stretching aspects of yoga feel so good, you might not even know that you are getting a good workout in in the process! It’s a great alternative to other outdoor activities and sports.


Dancing is probably the most fun form of exercise that there is, and you don’t have to do it in a structured setting if you don’t want to! All that it takes is some good music and the energy to get up and move. When you are dancing, you are engaging different muscles in your body that you don’t usually engage, and you don’t even notice that you’re doing it.

Dancing is also a great way to get in your cardio for the day. There are a lot of dance studios that will offer a free class to beginners, and a lot of gyms that offer structured exercise/dance hybrid classes if that’s something that you’re interested in. But the beauty of dance is that you don’t need anyone instructing you on how to do it, and you don’t even have to leave your living room!


If you aren’t a “sports person” and you are looking for fun ways to get exercise, there are a lot of options for you. Your body needs exercise in order to remain functional and healthy. Plus when you are exercising regularly, you will feel happier and more energized! You don’t have to do sports in order to stay active if that’s not an activity that you find fun and engaging. Instead, try some of these awesome alternatives the next time you are looking for a new way to exercise.