TRX training helps Navy SEALS stay in shape, but the principles of the TRX . TRX training is based on a suspension system that works every part of your body, and you will see how the TRX works when you look into the exercises that it requires. TRX is much simpler than other training systems, and you may pair it with simple cardio that you would do in a military unit or during basic training.


#1: Suspension Of Your Arms

Your arms are suspended above your shoulders when you use the TRX system. The elastic bands that hang from the ceiling provide tension for your workouts. You push down on the bands to create several different workouts at once, and you are using the tension above your shoulders as your arms move down.


#2: Engaging Your Core

You must engage your core when you are working in the TRX system, and the arm workouts alone will force you to use your abdomen for leverage. Someone who uses the TRX system will feel the burn in their core every day, but you will be stronger overall when your core is in shape.


#3: Engaging Your Legs

You can engage your legs for leverage when you are working your arms, or you may use your legs to help with each exercise. Your legs will get a strong workout when you combine cardio with TRX, or you may use the bands to hold your legs off the ground. You might think of the TRX system as being similar to gymnastics, and you will have more range of motion when you complete workouts with your legs.

Doing the exercises in an inverted position will allow you to use the tension in the bands to work your legs, and you will grow stronger every day. You are still using your core to move your legs, and the TRX bands will help you do your whole workout in the same position.


#4: Simplicity

The simplicity of the TRX system allows you to get work done in even the smallest space. The smallest room can become your home gym, and you may use the bands when you are short on time. Someone who goes on a run every day has little time to get a workout in, but the TRX bands will help you work out when you are ready.

The simple beauty of the TRX system is seen in its equipment and results. Navy SEALs are the most elite commandos in the world, and the TRX system was designed to keep them in shape between missions. You may not have the body of a SEAL, but you will have plenty of time to get one when you work out with this simple equipment.



About Ryan


Ryan Blair is a freelance writer who has spent 12 years in the fitness industry doing just about everything including personal training.  He now spends his time combining his love of writing with his experience in fitness.  If you want to contact him you can do so at: