A recent study done by Case Western Reserve University school of medicine found that helping others actually improved the lives of those currently going through addiction recovery. If you or someone you love is looking to enhance your recovery, volunteering may be the step your recovery process is missing.

If you’re looking for more information on incorporating volunteering and community service into your recovery plan, read on for more information.

Taking the First Step

Before you even begin building on enhancing your addiction recovery plan, it’s important to both acknowledge and be clear on the fact that you are an addict and that you are committed to recovering from your substance abuse.

While this step seems obvious to many, the actual act of committing to your recovery is one of the most powerful and mandatory steps in the full recovery process.

Signs of Addiction

If you are unsure that addiction is an actual problem that you’re facing, it’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of this dangerous condition.

Some common signs of addiction may include

  • Red or glazed over eyes.
  • Track marks on the arms, thighs, or feet
  • Extreme paranoia
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Secretive or mysterious behavior
  • Pupils that are either smaller or larger than usual
  • Feeling more energized or more fatigued than usual
  • Manic or out of the ordinary behavior
  • A change in priorities or sudden disinterest in hobbies

If you or someone you love is experiencing one or more of the symptoms above, there is a chance that addiction may be present. It’s important to start considering your next steps for addiction recovery.

Recovery Tips for Addicts

If you find that you are suffering from addiction, the good news is that there are a number of recovery methods that you can take.

Some addicts are able to curb their addiction simply through counseling or psychotherapy.

While others may require inbound or outbound recovery methods.

 This means that the addict either stays at home while continuing to follow a set recovery program or the addict lives within a addiction recovery center while going through the necessary steps of freeing themselves from their addiction.

The Benefits of Helping Others

While research has found that helping others creates overall feelings of joy in everyone, this simple act brings enhanced benefits for those going through recovery.

Read on to learn more about the important benefits of helping others for those going through addiction recovery steps.

Enhancing Self-Esteem

Chances are that by the time you realize you have an addiction, the majority of your life and relationships have hit a new low.

For this reason, many addicts often suffer from low self-esteem and a lack of self-worth. Fortunately, helping others offers addicts a glimpse of the good within them along with signs of their former self.

Switching the Focus Outwards

One of the reasons why addiction occurs in the first place is an intense amount of focus on oneself. The individual is focused on their problems, their past, their current situation, and any other factors that may drive them towards the need for escape. However, by helping others you must turn your focus outwards onto those that need assistance.

Skill Development

Depending on the type of volunteering an addict may choose, it may be necessary to develop new skill types. For example, if an addict volunteers to help build a school for kids, they may need to brush up on some carpentry. It is then possible that this new skill can lead to future employment opportunities and aid with their addiction recovery.

Decreased Likelihood of Depression

While attempting to rebuild their life, addicts have an increased chance of developing depression and suicidal tendencies. However, by helping others, addicts are exposed to a wide variety of life circumstances and the individuals that refuse to give up. This can help instil faith and hope of what is still to come in their addiction recovery.

How to Help Others

Now that you decided that you want to incorporate helping others into a recovery plan, it’s time to narrow down how you want to help. Here you will find some simple ideas to get you started.

Visit Addicts in Prison

There are a number of groups that volunteer by going to prisons and visiting inmates. However, those that are in prison as a result of addiction are more likely to respond well to those who have experienced the same struggles that they have.

Creating a Recovery Focused Website

Whether you’re volunteering web design services to your rehab facility, or starting a blog documenting your own path to recovery, creating a recovery focused website is an ideal way to share your wisdom with an international audience.

Public Speaking Engagements

If you feel inspired to help others avoid the same mistakes you’ve made you may consider speaking in venues like this center in PA, or in high schools.

There’s a strong chance that by telling your addiction recovery story you may save someone from walking down the same path you did. There’s also a chance that you can encourage someone that’s already facing addiction to ask for the help they need.

A Healthy and Happy Mind and Body

Not only is helping others a key way to enhance your recovery, but it’s also a powerful way to enhance your mental and emotional health. Once you free yourself from your addiction you’ll find that you’re able to focus your energy on improving your overall health and happiness levels in life.

If you’re looking for more ways to create a stronger mind body and soul balance, check out our blog on the rise of holistic wellness.