If you want to lose weight, you should be more concerned about eating less than anything else. Even if you have lost your desired weight, you still may need to control your portion sizes. The best way to eat less is by training your brain to do that. If you can do that, you won’t overeat even when you are not concerned about it. Here are a few tips for training your brain

1. Believe in yourself

Your attempts to get healthier should start with positive views. You should believe that you can. Researches have shown that having a positive outlook towards something can affect your health and well being in many ways. On the other hand, if you think you can’t, your brain believes you can’t. It alters your brain’s abilities.

So, self-doubt could be the reason you are not getting the desired results. Above all, you have to believe that you can. Remember, the ones that think they can and the ones that don’t are both equally correct.

2. Plan your meals ahead of time

Most of the time, people consider fast food or unhealthy snacks as quick and easy meal options. They think getting a takeaway or just picking up some ready-made snacks from the supermarket can save them time and energy. In reality, these habits make it difficult for us to lose weight.

Instead of taking these shortcuts, you should plan healthy meal options ahead of time. If you don’t have time to do this every day, you can try meal prepping. Meal prepping will allow you to eat healthy without spending time on it every day.

3. Consult a therapist

In some cases, many medical conditions can hamper your ability to eat less or lose weight. You should consult a professional if you think you may have any problems like that. They can address any specific weight-related issues you may have and also help you avoid binge eating.

If it’s still not making an impact on your health, your therapist may put you on phentermine. Phentermine is an appetite suppressant. It will make it easier for you to eat less. Many clinics offer phentermine consultations nowadays. You can check for phentermine doctors in Chicago online.

4. Make a shopping list

Did you ever go to the supermarket and buy ready-to-eat snacks and junk food instead of your regular groceries just because they were on sale? Don’t feel guilty; a lot of people get influenced by these “tempting deals.” The only way to stop yourself from getting distracted is by making a list of your necessities before going to the supermarket.

Making a shopping list will help you focus on things you need. It will also help you save some money.

5. Reorganize your kitchen

If all your favorite snacks are kept in front of you, it will be harder for you to control yourself. To make it easier for yourself, you may consider reorganizing your kitchen. You don’t have to throw your snacks into the bin.  You can keep them on a shelf you don’t often reach for.

6. Slow it down

Studies show that your brain gets the signal 20 minutes after our stomach gets full. So it’s ideal for taking your time and stretching each meal to at least 20 minutes. That way, you can eat just the right amount of food. You can put on a timer for 25 minutes when you eat.

7. Get rid of distractions

Almost all of us like to enjoy our favorite series while we eat. Some may wish to scroll on their phones or listen to music. Scientists have noted that when someone engages in some other activity while eating, their brain slips into the subconscious state. People tend to eat way more when they are in the unconscious state of mind.

If you want to control your portions, you have to acknowledge what you are eating and the amount you’re consuming. So make sure to turn off the TV when you eat.

8. Avoid talking while you eat

Studies have shown that not being able to listen to your chewing sounds can cause overeating. That’s one of the reasons many restaurants always have loud music on. Talking to someone while you eat will also distract you from eating, which again causes overeating.

9. Choose healthy snacks

Controlling your portion sizes doesn’t mean you have to quit snacking at times. You can incorporate snacks in between your meals, but make sure to choose healthy ones. Try to avoid ones with too much sugar or saturated fats. You can check for healthy snack ideas online.

10. Get individual serving meals

Almost all food items have their suggested serving sizes listed in the packaging. Though a lot of us don’t pay attention to them, experts recommend consuming food in line with the package recommendations. If you struggle to measure your portions, you can get individual serving pots. That way, you can enjoy your cheat meals, like chips or ice creams, without any mess.

11. Consume more protein and good fat

If you are struggling to eat less because you get hungry very quickly, then you might be eating wrong. Try to include more protein in your meals. We all know protein takes much longer to digest than carbs. It will keep you full for longer. Studies show people who eat a protein-rich breakfast tend to eat a lot less throughout the day.

12. Get smaller pots and plates

Researches have shown meals that are served in a smaller plate appear more prominent, and your brain thinks you are consuming more food than you are. That way, you become full quicker. An experiment shows people serve themselves up to twice more ice cream than what they usually would when they are given a giant bowl. So, changing the size of your dish can be a great way to trick your mind.

13. Choose your crockery wisely

Your crockery plays a vital role in tricking your brain. The color of your crockery can influence your portions. For example, bright red or blue plates make you eat less. On the other hand, white plates will make you eat more. If you struggle to eat your greens, opt for green plates.

To sum up

Training to eat less is a slow process. Only motivation and determination can help you stick to it. Following these tips will make it a bit less hard. Be patient, and watch yourself transform.