Welcome to the awesome adventure of living your best, healthiest life. We get it – life’s a bit of a rollercoaster, and finding the right groove can be a wild ride. But fear not! This guide is your ticket to navigating the twists and turns of wellness with a smile on your face when you’re looking for how to live a healthier life.

We’re not here to drop a bunch of rules on you. Instead, let’s chat about the cool stuff – from tasty eats and fun workouts to boosting your mental game and building kick-butt connections. It’s all connected, and we’re here to make living healthier a blast.

So, buckle up and join us as we explore the laid-back art of feeling awesome. Whether you’re a wellness guru or just dipping your toes in, this guide is your go-to for inspiration, tips, and a whole lot of good vibes on the journey to a healthier, happier you. Let’s dive in to the 10 ways to challenge yourself to live a healthier life.

1) Dedicate at Least Ten Minutes a Day for Physical Exercise

If you can’t afford paid gym, don’t worry. There are still more exercises that you can still take on without paying a coin. One of the basic exercises you can adopt is running around your compound every evening. It doesn’t need to be many laps; one or two laps daily is enough.

2) Travel and Allow Yourself to Be Interested in New People

Don’t get it wrong. It’s not the expensive traveling trips. After all, you don’t need expensive trips to be healthy. All you need is just an affordable trip which can expose you to new people and a new environment. You don’t have to worry where you’ll travel to. You can even visit your nearest museum. It’s still great and you’ll still meet new people whom you can interact with.

3) Eat Your Veggies

Vegetables are essential for your body. Vegetables have essential minerals and vitamins that your body needs. Take Kale, Swiss Chard, Spinach etc to boost your immune system. Alternatively,  you can try out a keto bundle containing a 30-day supply of supplements.

4) Figure Out What You’re Always Scared of and Do It For One Week

Do you have anything that you’re scared doing? If yes, it doesn’t matter what it is. Just be brave for once and face it for one week. Ultimately, you will overcome the fear once you can face it head on.

5) Learn a New Language

Have you ever wished to learn a new language? Do you wish to learn Spanish, French, Hindu, German or Mandarin? Look, if it’s ever been your wish, then it means you will never be complete without learning it. So, go for it.

6) Drink More Water

Over 60 percent of your body is made up of water. Additionally, water is essential for most of the activities within your body like removal of waste. So, it’s advisable that you take at least 8 glasses of water in a day.

7) Get Enough Sleep

May sound funny, though very essential. You need enough sleep everyday. Did you know that when you don’t get enough sleep, you risk eating a lot of junk food to stay awake? Yes, that’s true and you don’t deserve that. So, why not have 8 hours of sleep every day.

8) Debate With Your Friends

Sometimes, it is healthy to get involved in a debate with your friends. Debate will jog your mind and let it accommodate new ideas that you’ll collect from the debate. Why don’t you try one today and see how it goes?

9) Eat Fruits

Domain-b reveals that oranges offer more health benefits than Vitamin C pills. That means your body needs fruits. Instead of buying expensive junk food, why not go for cheaper fruits that are healthy for your body?

10) Take a Class for a Hobby You Had Wanted to Pursue

Can you remember the major you missed because your points couldn’t enable you to pursue it? Yes, this is the time to  take a class for that major and bring back your hopes that had gone down the toilet.

Bottom Line

Living or staying healthy doesn’t mean you must be all that wealthy. From the tips above, you can see that there is none that requires you to spend a lot of money. Even if you have a limited budget, you can easily follow a keto friendly diet. So, anybody can live healthy; whether poor or rich.