Anyone who has worked for more than a few weeks in an office building knows the downsides of this form of work. Many office workers may not even be aware of the health issues that desk work can pose. Ailments as minor as vitamin deficiencies, caused by a lack of exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet rays, to potentially deadly issues like an increased chance of developing blood clots are all possibilities. This is why it is so important to pay attention to your health when you head into your office job. The following are four major issues office workers should address right away to aid with their workplace wellness.:

Possibly Developing Blood Clots

The biggest threat office employees face is an increased risk of blood clots. Research shows around 30% of hospital admissions for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) happened to be office workers who spend as many as 14 hours a day at their desks working on their computers. 

DVT is when a blood clot forms in one of the deeper veins in the body, typically in the legs.  They can travel to the lungs, heart or brain causing chest pain, difficult breathing and possibly even death. Jokingly referred to as “Economy Class Syndrome” (because of the link between patients admitted to the ER with DVT and passengers on long distance flights), it is not really a matter to joke about. 

The best solution for workplace wellness is to regularly stand up and walk around the office; but wearing compression socks also helps get your blood flowing. The best compression socks are made by companies like Comrad or Vim and Vigr as they incorporate style with function – no one needs to know you’re wearing flight socks. 

Pay Attention to Your Posture

Many office workers can develop back and neck issues they can’t seem to figure out. The reason it is difficult to figure out is because it is caused by the location on their desk of their computer monitor. The ideal placement for a computer monitor is having the top of the screen level with your eyes. 

For posture reasons it is optimal if your eyes look downward at a 10 degree angle. If the monitor is higher or lower you will adapt by moving your head. If the screen is too low, neck and back pain can occur from looking down more at the screen, while if the monitor is too high, you can start to develop dry eyes. 

Don’t Forget Your Vitamins

Office jobs suit people well who don’t like outdoor laboring or physical work. But, one drawback to not getting enough sunlight is that it can lead to a Vitamin D deficiency. This can lead to brittle bones, muscle pain, a greater risk for Type 1 and 2 Diabetes and developing various cancers.  

Fixing this issue, though, is as easy as taking lunch outside or working for an hour outside on a laptop every day. In addition, working outside can boost your emotional state leading to less stress, anxiety or depression. If outdoor working isn’t an option, be sure to stock up on vitamin supplements (but always check with your doctor whether these workplace wellness options are appropriate for you).

Don’t Just Sit Around

Most office workers think that because they work in an office, they have to sit at their desk all day. This is far from the case as there has been an increase lately in the popularity of adjustable desks. This makes it possible for employees to stand or sit at their desk if they wish. Spending part of the day standing will increase blood flow and keep you from being too sedentary. 

Treadmill desks have also become quite popular. Having a raised desk connected to a treadmill enables employees to do everyday tasks of the job while also getting a little exercise. The benefits are increased blood flow and a healthier emotional state.

Working in an office with AC and no heavy lifting can be great, but the last thing any employee should have to deal with for workplace wellness is a job that threatens their health. However, by paying attention to your posture, moving around regularly and getting a little sunlight you will greatly reduce many of the risks posed by working in an office.