It takes a lot of effort to grow long and healthy hair. There are many factors that affect the growth of hair. They include genetics, diet, weather, pollution, etc. Proper care and a healthy diet can keep your hair strong and beautiful. 

If you don’t have long hair or your hair won’t grow past a certain point, these tips will still help you. You can simply follow these tips for long and thick hair.

Some natural amazing tips

Eat a healthy diet

If you want a positive change in the growth of your hair, a healthy diet will surely help you. It may take one or two months to begin. Green vegetables like kale, swiss chard, and spinach which contains a large amount of vitamins A and C. These vitamins act as a natural hair conditioner for your hair. They also boost hair growth and provide a natural shine to them. Chia or pumpkin seeds sprinkled on the top of your salad provide omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and iron which help in maintaining healthy hair. Hair is made up of keratin. Keratin is a type of protein, so eating protein-rich food is very important. Eggs, chicken, and fish contain a lot of proteins in them.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is used for treating hair loss. It soothes the scalp and acts as a natural conditioner for the hair. It helps in reducing dandruff and unblocks the hair follicles that are usually blocked due to the excess oil. You can apply pure Aloe Vera gel 3-4 times a week. You may also buy products for your hair that contain Aloe Vera in them.

Bhringraj oil 

Bhringraj oil is extracted from a plant known as “false daisy”. This herb belongs to the sunflower family and grows best in moist places including Thailand, India, and Brazil. Leaves from the bhringraj plant are mixed and heated with a carrier oil to produce bhringraj oil. It has antimicrobial and antifungal properties that help in reducing dandruff. The darkening properties of bhringraj help hair appear less gray. It contains vitamin E which promotes hair growth.


Taking ginseng supplements can help in hair growth by stimulating hair follicles. Ginsenosides are the active components of ginseng and bring a positive effect on the hair. Always be sure to check any possible side effects. 

Onion juice

Onion juice can successfully treat patchy alopecia areata by promoting hair growth. It helps in improving blood circulation. If you can really handle the smell of the onion juice, the benefits are worth it. Onion juice helps in keratin growth factor and blood flow to the cuticles. You may blend few onions and squeeze out the juice. Apply this onion juice to your scalp and leave it for it 15 minutes. Then, wash your hair with a shampoo properly to remove the smell of the onions.

These natural tips will help in the natural growth of your hair. These tips will surely nourish your hair.