Varicose veins occur when you have damaged veins, creating problems with circulating blood back to the heart. The veins may bulge, swell, and become painful, and they may indicate a serious health issue. If you have varicose veins, it is always good that you consider seeking treatment, especially if they are painful. A Riverside varicose veins specialist can offer treatment using minimally invasive procedures to ensure that you get back to your daily activities. Knowing what they are are can help in managing them and seeking treatment at the same time. Here are five myths you should know regarding varicose veins.

Myth 1: Varicose veins are all about the unsightly look

While spider veins or the fine ones forming under the skin may only be cosmetic, when you have swollen, bulging veins referred to as varicose veins, they are a more serious thing. If left untreated, varicose veins can result in severe medical conditions such as hemorrhage, skin discoloration, leg swelling, and difficult-to-heal wounds. You should not ignore them; consider seeking medical help immediately.

Myth 2: Varicose veins only affect older persons

While about half of the individuals with varicose veins are below 50, it can still affect older people. So, you cannot assume that these veins only form in people who are old. The contributing factors for the condition are childbirth, family history, and occupation that demand long-standing or sitting hours.

Myth 3: Surgery is the only treatment option

You do not have to undergo surgery to treat them. There are minimally invasive procedures such as thermal ablation for refluxing veins. This can be performed in a doctor’s offer as an outpatient procedure. During the procedure, a doctor uses ultrasound guidance to help access the veins. Laser equipment is placed in a position to do thermal ablation. Building veins are extracted using minimal incisions of about 2 to 3 mm. The treatment has excellent outcomes and is a routine procedure performed every day by varicose vein treatment specialists.

Myth 4: You can prevent varicose veins

Since these veins are associated with hereditary factors, childbirth, or even your occupation, you find that it is not always possible to prevent them, especially the gene-related ones. Elevating the legs, losing weight, and wearing compression socks may help relieve some symptoms; however, these things cannot prevent the onset of varicose veins. 

Myth 5: Recovery means being bedridden for a long duration

After treatment, patients need to remain active, but they only do light activities. For about two weeks after the procedure it is recommended you walk for about 30 minutes each day. However, you need to refrain from strenuous activity or heavy lifting for those two weeks until you notice that the inflammation has reduced or disappeared.

Knowing and understanding much about varicose veins allows you to take appropriate actions when they set on. You can seek treatment in advance. You can also take measures that can help prevent the symptoms from occurring. Additionally, gaining knowledge about these veins can help with your coping ability. Always seek medical help if you have them.

According to varicose veins treatment Dallas, knowing and understanding much about varicose veins allows you to take appropriate actions when they set on. You can seek treatment in advance.