Having a garden can be a wonderful way to grow your own food, save money, have fun, and can be very rewarding. But if the weather outside isn’t great for gardening where you live, or you are lacking outdoor space, you might think you won’t be able to create and tend to the indoor garden of your dreams.

However, all is not lost. Indoor gardens are becoming more popular and are a great way for people to still have a garden, even if space is a little bit limited. But before you set up your indoor garden and begin planting, there are a few things to think about. This article is going to cover some of the most important things to know before you start an indoor garden.

Know the Plants You Like

Whether you got them from the store, or through a houseplants delivery service, most of us have had plants and flowers in our homes at one point or another. Before starting your garden, you need to think back to those days and think about what plants you want to have in the garden.

It is always more fun and rewarding to grow your favorites, and you may be more motivated and dedicated to your garden if you know you are growing something you love. If you’re not sure about the plants you like or want to grow, there are a few things to think about. You can think about the colors, size, shape, or even scent of the plant.

Also, think about what you want from the garden. Do you want it to look pretty? Or do you want it to contain plants to purify the air or plants you can eat? Making all of these considerations should help you decide what you’d like to include.

Choose the Right Plants for the Space

While you might love certain types of plants and want them in your indoor garden, this isn’t always possible. Some plants may not work in your space, and the key to a good garden is choosing the right indoor plants for your space.

For example, if you only have a tiny spot for a windowsill garden, large vines or other plants that grow out of control might not be right for you. You also need to think about the levels of light you get into your home. Many plants require a full day of sunlight to grow well, and if your home only gets indirect light, these will struggle.

In addition to the size and level of light, you also need to think about things like the temperature and humidity of the space. This can be a lot of work but is instrumental if you want to find plants that will thrive in your environment. The good news is, there are thousands of different plant options out there, and there is a high chance that some of them will be able to be grown well in the space you have.

Be Aware of How to Care For Your Plants

While having an indoor garden can be fun and rewarding, it does indeed take some effort. But the exact amount of effort is up for discussion. Each plant is different and can have vastly different needs from another. If you expect to treat every single plant the same and have them thrive, you will be in for a rude awakening.

Some will do just fine with a bit of water every few weeks, while others will need an exact amount of light each day, frequent watering, and various other things. Choose ones that work with the amount of effort and time that you are willing to put into the garden.

If you want to keep your garden simple, consider plants that are similar to one another in terms of what they need. This means you can simply give each plant the same amount of attention each day and have your garden be a success.

If not, and you want plants with different requirements, it is a good idea to keep a note somewhere that goes over care instructions for each of your plants, so you can check whenever you need. This will ensure that each plant gets the attention and care it needs to grow healthy and thrive.

Make Sure the Plants are Safe

This is mainly a thing for those with children or pets to know but is still important to mention. There are many types of plants out there that are harmful if ingested by children or pets. This includes Lilies, Pothos, Ivy, and many others.

If you want to have these types of plants in your garden, make sure to have them in a place where no pet or child will be able to get them. But in many cases, it is best to simply skip these plants altogether and stick to things with no chance of hurting your family. Before adding a plant to your indoor garden, always do your research and ensure that it won’t be harmful at all.

Even if you don’t have children or pets of your own, it is important to know which plants or flowers could be dangerous to them. The last thing you want is a friend or family member bringing their pet/child over and them getting sick from accidentally ingesting them. 

Know the Gear to Buy to Help Your Garden Flourish

Technically, all you need to start a garden at home is a pot or container for the soil, the seeds, some water, and some light. However, the various technological advancements of the modern day have introduced many unique indoor gardening gear that can take your operation to new heights.

There are self-watering systems, lights to aid in growth, apps to monitor your plants, solutions to let you change the temperature on the fly, and so much more. Some are affordable, while others can be expensive, so always think about your budget before you pick any of them up.

Before you get your garden, think about whether or not picking up a few of these items would be worthwhile. Of course, you likely don’t need everything, so consider which pieces of gear would help you the most and provide the best benefits.

In conclusion, make sure you know and are aware of these things before trying to start your own indoor garden.