A smile plays a huge role in establishing first impressions because it is one of the first things a person will notice about you. A mouth full of healthy teeth accompanied by decent breath is a lot more appealing and much healthier than yellow-stained teeth and bad odour.

You can do many things to care for your teeth and send the right message to others about your oral health. Dental care should be an everyday task, but it doesn’t need to take up all of your time. Simple things like brushing, flossing, and using the right toothpaste will ensure that your smile is the brightest of them all. And if you need treatment to enhance your smile, get beautiful smiles with dental implant coconut grove fl.

Here are six of the best practices to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

1) Visit The Dentist

According to this Dentist in Burnaby, many people only consider going to the dentist once they have an unbearable toothache or tooth chip. A dentist’s visit should not only be done when you have an emergency but throughout the year as a simple form of maintenance. 

You should see your dentist at least twice a year for cleanings and checkups every six months. A dentist can check for growing cavities, gum disease, and tooth decay that leads to much larger health issues in the future. 

2) Don’t Smoke

It’s 2020, and it’s not news that cigarettes are bad for you. Smoking causes severe damage to the lungs and the body’s immune system, which lessens a smoker’s ability to heal body tissue in the mouth. 

Smokers have a drastically higher risk for gum disease, general tooth pain, and dental issues. Also, cigarettes cause your teeth and tongue to turn yellow over time and cause bad breath. 

3) Floss  

Flossing is such an important part of dental care, but most people skip over it every day. It helps to remove plaque and bacteria from teeth and can prevent bad breath. It can seem like a tedious task, but be sure to do it at least once a day. Your teeth will thank you. 

4) Brush Regularly and Correctly

Most people know that you should brush your teeth at least twice a day. Doing so prevents plaque from building up on the teeth and removes bacteria that can later cause health issues. Brushing twice a day is necessary but incredibly ineffective if not done correctly and can also help to avoid stains cause by foods such as coffee and wine.. 

You should brush in circular motions and be sure to brush each tooth, especially the hard-to-reach ones in the back. The classic back-and-forth sawing motions are actually harmful to your teeth and should be avoided. 

5) Limit Sugar Intake 

Sugar is absolutely horrible for your teeth and causes a lot of unnecessary dental issues. In a world where we have constant access to sodas and juices, it can be tough to cut out sugar completely. You don’t have to get rid of it altogether, but you should attempt to consume less sugar to keep your teeth healthy. 

Drink water or unsweetened beverages instead of soda. 

6) Consider a Fluoride Mouthwash

Fluoride is an element that comes from the earth and helps to prevent cavities. It is usually already in most toothpaste, but you could also use a fluoride mouth wash. Not getting enough fluoride can lead to tooth decay and cavities, even if you brush and floss regularly. 

Fluoride mouthwashes can be found in most stores and are just a simple step to add to your day. 


Dental care is so important for the overall health of your teeth and the appearance of your smile. Take advantage of the few tips provided, like going to the dentist, flossing, and brushing correctly to prevent future dental issues.