Feeling tired after a long day at work or a taxing activity is common and seems to vanish after a nap or a good night’s sleep. But, if you are feeling a state of lethargy that doesn’t seem to go away even after adequate sleep or rest, it’s time you give your doctor a visit because fatigue is a common symptom of many health issues.

If not identified at the right time, it could lead to severe problems, which may be fatal in nature. Listed below are 6 health disorders which can lead to excessive exhaustion.

1. Anemia

Anemia is a deficiency disorder caused mainly by the lack of iron. In this condition, you run low on red blood cells. As a result of this decreased production, your body does not get adequate Oxygen which makes you feel weary, even after a small activity. Stats suggest that globally around 1.62 billion people are victims of anemia that is almost 24.8% of the population!

Anemia can cause major complications if not treated on time. Consuming iron-rich foods like green leafy vegetables such as spinach and lettuce, lentils and beans will increase the iron levels in your body and subsequently cure light anemia. In case this situation does not improve, you should start taking medicines for this problem. Sites like Pharmeasy offers great discount on medicines.

2. Chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome, abbreviated as CFS, is a condition in which a person experiences excessive tiredness, capable of interfering with their daily activities, for a period of six months or longer. Other symptoms may include headaches, memory problems, pain in muscles and disturbances in sleep. 

There is no particular cure for this, but there may be a relief if you bring about lifestyle changes like reduced consumption of caffeine, mild exercise, relaxation techniques like acupuncture and yoga, etc. It varies from person to person, but a visit to the clinic is necessary if it begins to worsen.

3. Hypothyroidism

The thyroid gland regulates our body’s metabolism by releasing an optimum amount of thyroid hormones. Hypothyroidism is the condition that originates from the underproduction of the thyroid hormones. This causes a drop in the energy levels, leading to a state of prostration.

A blood test can confirm if you have hypothyroidism, so it’s wise to consult your doctor immediately if you have been experiencing insomnia, constipation, puffiness in your face and limbs, etc. 

4. Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea is a dangerous sleep disorder, where sufferers experience short interruptions in their breathing. It might cause a person to wake up when their breathing breaks, resulting in a poor quality of sleep and daytime fatigue the next day. Its effect manifests itself in a greater risk of stroke, diabetes and memory loss.

After reading this segment, if you are giving a thought to your respiratory pattern at night, it is highly recommended that you see a doctor as soon as possible because it can be fatal. CPAP devices and lifestyle changes can help you gain control over this.

5. Depression

Mental health can impact the physical well-being of a person greatly, especially considering the rising count of the number of people falling prey to this crippling disease (Almost 264 million people worldwide). Depressed people may show signs of poor self-esteem, low appetite, and hopelessness. This causes anxiety and drains the energy from the body of an individual.

In most cases, patients of depression are unable to have a peaceful sleep, free from worries and unpleasant thoughts, which pushes them into a state of anguish and they appear to be sleep-deprived and unwell. It can be cured by taking regular appointments with a therapist or counsellor or anyone they can confide in. Regular psychotherapy sessions are key in dismantling anxiety and depression-inducing patterns.

6. Diabetes

Fluctuating sugar levels is also a cause of fatigue. High sugar means that it remains in your blood instead of producing energy and low sugar results in lack of it. Both ways are not pleasant for a person. If you are suffering from diabetes, it is wise to manage your disease with diet and exercise. Anyone who has been suffering from thirst, irritability and frequent urination, you could need a check-up.

Don’t be too late

Extreme tiredness can be a cause of worry as it can be a symptom of an unidentified disorder. These are easy to cure, although prevention is any day better than bitter medicines. We hope you consider the points mentioned above and rule out any doubts with a medical appointment.

Stay healthy, stay happy!