If you wish to straighten your teeth without the hassle of brackets, wires, or rubber bands, Invisalign is your ideal choice. The Woodbridge Invisalign specialists at Momentum Dental Care offer this advanced treatment to correct overbite, crowding, crossbite, open bite, and gaps between teeth. However, there are several interesting facts about Invisalign most people do not know, and it would be good if you knew them. Have a look.

1. They are removable

Unlike traditional bracket and wire braces, Invisalign can be removed at the appropriate time without effect. This means that you are less restricted on what you can eat or drink, as all you have to do is take the aligners from your mouth while you eat or drink. You can also continue with your oral hygiene routine of brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash as usual by removing the aligners before doing each. This is an added advantage to you as it can be convenient for your lifestyle, meaning fewer changes will be made during your treatment.

2. It is easier to adjust

With traditional braces, you will require a specialist in case there is a need for adjustments. However, with clear Invisalign, you no longer have to set up appointments for adjustments; you can do it independently. All you need is the next aligners set that have already been adjusted to accommodate the changes that have occurred in your mouth and fix them to fit. However, you might still need to visit your provider to check on the progress and ensure your condition improves correctly.

3. You have to wear Invisalign all day

Experts recommend that Invisalign be worn at least 20 hours a day, meaning you will wear them while you sleep. The four-hour allowance is the reason why you can remove them while you eat, brush, or floss your teeth. Wearing the aligners for long durations will increase your treatment’s effectiveness, meaning the treatment can be completed much faster than when worn for a minimum amount of time.

4. A retainer is a necessity

After your Invisalign treatment, your provider will offer you a retainer, similar to the last set of aligners you completed. This is to prevent your teeth from reverting to their initial position or out of place. It is good to ensure that you wear the retainer while you sleep. This ensures that the effects of your treatment remain intact.

5. Particular teeth are targeted

The clear Invisalign aligners are designed to move certain teeth at a time, and your provider will determine which teeth to move as they design your treatment procedure. That is why it is essential to seek an experienced provider who is highly trained and can know how to accurately create the most effective treatment plan for you. This is because the aligners apply some force on your teeth, and you do not want to exert too much pressure on your teeth at the same time.

6. It is much easier to clean Invisalign

Cleaning Invisalign is easier compared to wires and brackets. All you need is to use clear soap and a special brush and clean them in cold water. Besides, you can clean them by soaking them with warm tap water and vinegar for about fifteen minutes. It is vital to rinse them after cleaning before you put them back in your mouth.

With these interesting facts about Invisalign, you can now decide on seeking orthodontic treatment. Reach out to Momentum Dental Care to explore more.