You don’t have to take medication to relieve anxiety. Here are seven ways to treat anxiety naturally. You’ll feel calm and collected in no time at all.

If you’ve experienced anxiety before, then you understand how it affects your life. 

At times, your thoughts are racing so fast that it’s hard to concentrate. When you can’t focus, it’s next to impossible to go about your day. 

You start to overthink, ruminate, and have a hard time letting go. 

It’s normal to experience anxiety once in a while. But if it starts happening frequently, it may be time to get some help. 

Talking to a therapist and taking medication are some ways to cope. But, there are also some natural remedies you can try.

If you’re going through a stressful time, keep reading. In this article, we’ll discuss seven natural ways to treat anxiety. 

Apply these tips to manage your anxiety and live life to the fullest.

Please note: This article is for informational purposes only. If you are experiencing severe panic attacks or suicidal thoughts, reach out to a professional for help.

1. Take Deep Breaths

Taking deep breaths will help you calm down.

It also gives you something to focus on besides the thing that’s bothering you.

Practice abdominal breathing for 30 minutes each day. Doing this will increase the supply of oxygen that goes to your brain. 

It also stimulates your nervous system, which helps you relax.

So, practice deep breathing techniques to feel more connected to your body. Going to yoga classes and practicing meditation can further improve your breathing. 

Doing this will reduce your anxiety and quiet your mind. 

2. Get Out in Nature

Spending time in the Great Outdoors can keep your mind off what’s bothering you. 

It gives you the chance to get away and focus your thoughts on other things. You can breathe in the fresh air and become more aware of the beautiful surroundings. 

Oftentimes, our phones cause anxiety. Social media is nice for staying in touch with family and friends, but there’s a lot of pressure that goes along with it. 

Spending time in nature forces you to put your phone away and focus on life’s blessings. Instead of dealing with stress in unhealthy ways, unwind outside

As you spend time outside, you’ll feel more connected to reality. It’ll help you reflect on the good things about life instead of the bad.

Plus, the sun provides vitamin D, which is known to prevent mental illness. So get out there and soak up as much as you can! 

3. Don’t Isolate Yourself

When you’re feeling anxious, your first reaction may be to isolate yourself. It makes sense if you’re feeling overwhelmed and don’t want to burden others.

But, if you take the time to confide in a loved one, you’ll probably feel better. They may be able to talk you through your problems and get a clear perspective. Alienating yourself, on the other hand, might only make you feel worse. 

Force yourself to get out and connect with people. It’ll help you push through your fears and get over your anxiety.

4. Get More Exercise

It’s a common belief that exercising can reduce anxiety, and it’s true. All it takes is five minutes of exercise to experience its anti-anxiety effects.

When you exercise, your brain generates serotonin and other chemicals. These are natural painkillers that combat anxiety and depression.

So, even if exercise isn’t your favorite thing to do, make time to hit the gym. If you don’t like the gym, there are other forms of exercise too. Take up dancing, do Pilates, or just go for a light jog. 

Whatever form of cardio activity you do, it’s bound to have positive effects. Not only will your anxiety ease up, but you’ll sleep better too! 

Stop telling yourself there’s no need to exercise. There’s no doubt that it’s an excellent way for you to cope with life’s stressors.

5. Drink Less Caffeine

Do you love drinking caffeine and can’t go without your daily coffee? Don’t worry, most of us are the same. But if your heart is already pounding out of your chest, drinking caffeine won’t help.

It keeps you alert, but it won’t help you focus. Concentrating when you’re anxious is already hard enough. Being extra jittery isn’t a good thing.

If you’re a soda or coffee drinker, try a caffeine-free version instead. And remember that caffeine is in other things, such as chocolate. Depending on how sensitive you are to caffeine, you should avoid caffeine-rich foods.

Until your anxiety improves, take it easy on the caffeinated beverages. They won’t help you stay calm — they’ll just exaggerate your symptoms. 

6. Talk to a Therapist

Talking to a friend about your troubles is nice. But sometimes, having a therapist is better. 

A therapist is a neutral person who can help you figure out ways to cope. They make great sounding boards when you need someone to talk to.

If you’re worried about the cost of therapy, find out if your insurance covers any of it. There’s also the option of participating in group therapy, which may be less expensive.

You can also seek help online. Stay in the comfort of your apartment and go to an online anxiety support group. If you’re nervous about attending therapy in person, an online group is an excellent place to start. 

7. Get Enough Sleep

A lack of rest could be contributing to your anxiety. Try to stick to a schedule and make sure you’re sleeping enough.

If you can’t fall asleep at night, try drinking some chamomile tea. Burn a candle and take a relaxing bath. Do whatever it takes for you to unwind and get a peaceful night’s rest. 

Doctors recommend getting eight hours of sleep each night, so make that your goal. After a while, you’ll feel more rested and, hopefully, anxiety-free! 

In Conclusion

Don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed that you struggle with anxiety. It’s not comfortable, and there’s no shame in needing help. 

Even if you don’t feel like doing anything (after all, life gets overwhelming!), keep going. You’ll find techniques that can help you manage your anxiety and get some relief. 

Try going on a walk with a friend or attend a support group.

There are many ways to manage your anxiety naturally. Start slow and see which methods work best for you. Everyone manages their stress in different ways, and that’s okay. 

And remember:

Even when you’re feeling down, you’re a superstar. Don’t you dare forget that! 

Author Bio:

Angus Flynn has five years of experience in managing high-end apartment communities. His ability to consistently deliver white-glove service to his residents and prospects has propelled him into a successful career that now finds him leading the team at Jefferson Silverlake, a luxury apartment complex in Grapevine, TX.