The color green symbolizes life, energy, freshness, and everything environment-ish. A kitchen with greenery can transform the feeling of your home and cleanse the aura around. Plus, it has the power to convince you to spend more time in your kitchen.

Many homes are moving towards eco-friendly kitchens as they contribute to the environment and don’t dig a hole in your pockets. However, even if you are not renovating your kitchen, here are some quick ideas to paint your kitchen green. 

1. Composting

The best way to reduce your waste is to recycle your food scrap because that accounts for the majority of it in your kitchen. Food scraps can be composted, instead of throwing it in the garbage. From peels, seeds, leftovers to yard trimmings, all kinds of biodegradable waste can be composted to give you a fertilizer better than the ones in the market. Imagine the pounds you will save on fertilizer and garbage disposal.

2. Grow your herbs

A small step towards making your kitchen eco-friendly would be growing your own herbs. Basil, coriander, mint, and fennel can be grown easily in your garden or even kitchen. It requires low maintenance and is super fun. These cute little saplings can also fill you with the energy to cook. And if you want more information, we’d recommend that you find out more about sustainable living at Natural Dwellers for the best tips!

3. Nespresso coffee pods

Most of us who are accustomed to a steaming hot cup of coffee, don’t realize the waste we make out of it. But, Nespresso coffee pods are a new arrival. Coffee pods are made from disposable materials which are a more sustainable way of drinking your espresso. Even researchers have found that recyclable aluminum pods are more environment-friendly than most other materials.

Installing a coffee pod instead of your regular coffee machine can be your edge to a more eco-friendly kitchen. It’s time to change the way you drink your coffee.

4. Replace Plastic

Plastic is the biggest enemy of mankind. Your kitchen can only be called eco-friendly, if it is free of all plastic. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Replace your plastic containers with glass ones.
  • Stop bringing home polythene instead, carry your bags to the market.
  • Opt for products with less packaging.
  • Use refillable bottles in your kitchen.

These small little contributions will reduce the poison in your kitchen and make it greener than ever.

5. Replace your Teflon cookware

The wave of Teflon cookware hit the kitchens hard when people preferred buying them for their non-stick properties. However, these utensils release toxic fumes at high temperatures which are hazardous to health. It degrades the quality of air in your home and is carcinogenic in nature. Replace them with iron casts or stainless steel.

Now you can ditch your air purifiers with absolutely zero regrets!

6. Watch your water usage

The kitchen sink is the busiest in our homes and often water flows from it unregulated. Using a dishwasher instead of washing plates by hand has been proved to save gallons of water per family. You could replace your water faucets with motion sensors which can reduce the wastage of water.

Installing aerators in the kitchen sink is also an innovative idea to reduce unnecessary water usage. This can help you a great way on the path to a greener kitchen and environment.

7. Upgrade to energy-efficient appliances

A lot of energy in our kitchens are used up by the appliances we use. If you are planning to change them, make sure to buy the ones which are energy efficient. Start by choosing the right size, like buying a smaller oven instead of a big one or use your dishwasher only when it is full. Replace your bulbs with LED ones and natural gas cooktops with electric ones – it will dramatically reduce your gas and electricity bill. You can now think of the items you can buy with the extra money!

Wrapping up!

Eco-friendly kitchens are increasing manifold all over the world because people are realizing the need for caring for the environment. They also enjoy the energy radiated by such kitchens. I hope these hacks help you create a livelier kitchen with positive energy radiations. Add a few greens and you are good to go!