Stress is part of life for millions of people today. Yet it was pretty much undocumented until the 1950s. That’s when researchers realized that it was a real issue and that finding ways to reduce stress needed to be addressed.

Fortunately, it’s easy to know when you are stressed. It’s also possible to reduce your stress levels. However, you must actively do what helps suppress your anxiety so that you can subsequently increase your happiness. 

That said, below is an outline of seven stress-reducing habits that work for many people. Let’s begin.

Talk it Out

Talking, venting, complaining, and even passive-aggressively confronting people who stress you out works. According to researchers, that’s because it feels good to be heard, and sometimes the only way to be heard is to air out what’s stressing you.

Some researchers also say that having a personal conversation over what’s stressing you can also work. Psychologists from Michigan did the study once with a group of people who’d been shown disturbing images.

 And when asked to talk about how they felt in first and third persons, they were able to control their emotions adequately. Researchers agree more studies need to be done in their few studies, though.

 Eat Healthy Meals

You’ve probably heard that some foods can increase stress and that others can reduce it. Celebrity nutritionist Keri Glassman says foods influence our stress level through the nutrients they provide or the junk they add to our bodies. 

So, if you want to reduce stress, try healthy dishes. Eat fruits, vegetables, drink plenty of water. In contrast, avoid sugary foods, caffeine, processed carbs, alcohol, and drugs. They add little nutritional value, after all.

Indulge a Hobby

Naturally, our bodies have “feel-good hormones” that elevate whenever we exercise. More hormones spike in times of fight and flight. Of course, fighting isn’t the best way to invoke these hormones.

But exercising, watching a gripping movie, or playing a video game can help control your stress levels immensely., which lets you predict your favorite sports games for real money, is also a great place to pass time. Importantly, it has bonuses for new players and works on both mobile and desktop devices.

With that in mind, engage in hobbies that not only reduce stress hormones but also offer more benefits. Exercising, for example, keeps your fit and helps improve the quality of sleep. 

Sleep Longer

Are you sleeping long enough? Because if you sleep for less than seven hours, you probably need to work on the quality of your sleep. It’s alright if you hardly catch sleep at night.

That’s a problem that can be solved. For starters, discover all the issues that stress you out. Do you overwork? Do you consume coffee before you get to bed? When was the last time you exercised?

If there are things you can change, like exercising more often, do them. You’ll sleep better and become a more productive person at work. 

Reduce your Workload

Far too many try to do more work than they can handle per day, and that’s a recipe for stress. You’ll be dealing with missed deadlines more often than you should. It could also impact the quality of work you deliver and your social life.

If you want to be happier and reduce stress, evaluate your to-do list. Identify things you do daily you could eliminate. Outsource some of your work or even reassess your business model. 

Working fewer hours more productively is right for your mental health. Again, it gives you more time to exercise, interact with your family, or learn new hobbies and skills.

Take Control

Sometimes people become stressed because they believe a problem is beyond their control. Let’s say you think you’ll never get promoted at work. Or you don’t think you’ll pass an upcoming school test.

Take control of these kinds of stress by figuring out how to overcome your fears. A lack of confidence could be the reason why you don’t believe you’ll pass an exam or get a promotion.

Maybe you know you are not well prepared for the test or you are not qualified enough for that promotion. Read your notes to prepare for tests and gain the missing skills that could increase your chances of getting promoted.

Say ‘No’ to People more Often

Another common cause of stress is being involved in people’s lives too much. Maybe you attend too many birthday parties. Or you are always the guy willing to help your friends do stuff at home.

The problem is that saying yes to everyone’s request leaves you vulnerable to stress. Obviously, you have little time to finish your work, to exercise or do things that matter the most. 

Saying “No” to unnecessary favor saves you time, energy, and sometimes money. In turn, you can use these essential resources to improve yourself and reduce stress.  

Rest if Unwell

If you are sick and have work to do, you can get stressed. However, you should always prioritize your health. Take a day off from your business or request a leave day to take care of your health. Your mental and physical wellbeing is more important than anything else.

Of course, you can also find a way to get things done while concentrating on your health. For example, you could outsource some work or ask for a favor from a friend at work. That way, you don’t have to suffer financially or have excess workload once you get back to work.

Seek Help for Depression

If your stress levels worsen, no matter what you do, you might want to seek help. With stress, things get better after a few changes in your lifestyle. But when you are depressed, trying to talk things out, exercise or change your diet might not make a big difference.

If you also experience these issues:

  • Frequent anxiety
  • Sleeplessness
  • Displeasure in things you previously liked
  • Lack of appetite
  • Persistent tearfulness
  • Suicidal thoughts

You might want to talk to a professional to check if you have depression. In that case, you’ll get much better help than trying to deal with the problem alone.