With the world suffering from a pandemic from the past few months, it is a well-known fact that 2020 was a tough year worldwide, which has affected many people in different ways. People lost their loved ones, and many are still fighting very hard for their life; everyone around us has suffered in one way or another, and in times like such, keeping up a positive mental health is a hard task. 

Therefore, I have collected 8 top tips that will help build positive mental health; if this article helps, then make sure to share with others so that more can be helped. The following tips are as follows, 

Try to stay away from bad habits:

When one looks at themselves, they can find certain bad habits that bring them down. Many bad habits include substance abuse, lying, never saying no to the things that you don’t want to do, alcohol, staying with toxic friends, and listening to them, and so much more. 

These bad habits tend to control whatever is happening around us and keep controlling us if we don’t do anything about them. The first thing to bring a change is to sit down with a pen and paper and list down all your bad habits; once the bad habits are listed, try to analyze what you can leave on your own and mark those you will need help. Try to get the necessary help to ditch bad habits so that the quality of your life can be improved. 

Adopt good habits:

There are many good habits that one can adopt, which can benefit them in the long and short term. Good habits include consuming a healthy diet, staying hydrated, exercising a week thrice, sleeping on time, staying connected to old friends and family, and so much more. Adopting good habits will let you feel better physically and mentally, and you will be able to perform better in your life.

Get some good sleep:

Sleep is one of the most important components of human life as, without sleep, it is difficult to perform and concentrate on daily tasks. Make a rule not to take any electronics such as your phone or anything to read on your bed, and be sure to be done with every task an hour before bed so that when it is time to sleep, there is nothing on your mind. 

You can research on the internet to help you find different natural ways to treat insomnia, but please go to a professional for help if nothing helps. Furthermore, do some light stretching or yoga before bed as that can help improve sleep too. 

Exercise and consume a healthy diet:

There are many different exercises that you can choose from but remember that the more high-intensity exercise you do, the more endorphins will be released. Endorphins are hormones responsible for keeping a human being happy as the hormones are also called pain killers and happy hormones. 

You can invite a friend or a family member to exercise with you so that you can bond. Remember that exercise and a healthy diet go hand in hand, so consume a healthy diet with all the fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy products, and vitamins. They will keep you full for a longer time, and feelings of anxiousness and depression will be reduced. 

Practice mindfulness:

Depression and many other mental health conditions tend to make a human being feel sad, lonely, and paranoid, where they believe things that are not true. In the long run, if the said emotions are not dealt with positively, that can be the worst for a person feeling this way. 

Mindfulness helps control your emotions; all you need to do is sit in a comfortable posture, breathe in for 4 seconds, try to keep it in for 4 seconds, and then exhale for 4 seconds and repeat the process. 

During this, your mind will wander but no matter where it goes, bring the focus back to the breathing. Eventually, with practice and time, you will gain full control over your emotions, which helps deal with issues easily and in an organized manner. 

Set achievable and realistic goals:

When one sets goals that are not realistic and hence are not achieved in the said time, you will be disappointed. For example, you set a goal of losing 10kg’s in a week, which is impossible and cannot be done more healthily; instead, you should have kept losing 10kg’s in 2 months. I am sure you would have achieved it. Try to set goals that help you move forward in life and eventually make you feel better about yourself by being motivated to do more and have positive mental health.

Talk about what bothers you to a professional:

Talking to a professional is not an easy task as one has to trust them with private details but trust me; it is worth it and will help you in the longer run. Talking to a professional will provide you with a fresh perspective and help you with whatever is bothering you. 

You can take a friend or a family member along if the situation is not comfortable for you. If you see no improvement after the first five to six sessions, find a better doctor to help, but please never stop before getting the right help that improves you. 

Take some time out for yourself:

Life is hard, and we all need a break; if you suffer from a mental health condition such as depression or anxieties, you especially need a break at the end of each day for better positive mental health. Take out twenty to thirty minutes out of your schedule and do whatever you want to do; call this time your time or my time and let everyone else in the house know that you must not be disturbed during it.

You can catch up on your book or your sleep; you can enjoy reading a newspaper or pour yourself a drink and sit by yourself while sipping on your drink. I promise you once you are done with your “me time,” you will not only be refreshed, but you will be ready to tackle whatever that comes your way.

To sum it all up, you can find shrooms in Canada and online and many other products such as CBD and weed as they can help you reconnect with your emotions, especially when you are suffering from depression but make sure to contact your doctor before consuming anything. If anyone around you suffers from a mental health condition, make sure always to be kind and listen to what they have to say.