Theories have been emerging about how Cannabidiol (CBD) may be used as a weight management supplement. There’s limited and inconclusive research on this, but it has nevertheless sparked interest as a popular health trend. CBD is a main component of the cannabis plant, but lacks tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the psychoactive chemical compound in marijuana that gives consumers the euphoric “high” it’s known for. It has become very well-known in the world of natural medicine for its versatile health benefits, and can be purchased in any CBD store and most health food markets.

The studies on CBD that originated in pain management and mental balance have expanded further into fitness health, and suggest that CBD may also be used to facilitate weight loss and muscle gain. Consumers can choose their preferred method of taking CBD, from edibles to ointments. Brands such as Jolly Green Oil are emerging and diversifying product lines to supply increasing demand, and now have a new target market in the fitness world as new research and findings spread through health news. 

Here are 8 suggested ways that CBD may help you achieve your physical goals:

1. Reduced Inflammation

CBD has gained a reputation for its potential anti-inflammatory properties and may be used as a therapeutic agent to help alleviate symptoms of inflammation in the body. This is generally considered conducive to improving health and sustaining healthy habits such as exercise, an important part of weight regulation or loss.

2. Improved Quality Of Sleep

CBD is believed to help treat symptoms of insomnia and restlessness, and sufficient sleep is essential for fitness recovery and the repair of torn muscles and tissues from intense exercise.

3. Pain Management And Reduction

Lifting weights and bodybuilding exercises are strenuous on your body, particularly your muscles and joints. CBD’s supposed anti-inflammatory properties are said to alleviate arthritis and other physical pain, so it’s now also being considered a natural pain reliever in the fitness world. Muscle spasms, soreness, and stiffness may effectively be treated with the application of topical CBD products. 

4. Reduced Anxiety And Stress

Studies have shown that cannabis may help benefit mental health by decreasing anxiety and regulating mood. Anxiety-related symptoms and stress increase cortisol, which interferes with the body’s capacity to recover and heal after high-intensity workouts. The calming effects of CBD may also balance out performance-enhancing supplements or stimulants used by serious athletes, such as anabolic steroids. It’s also thought to help lower blood pressure, another symptom of stress that’s counterproductive to fitness and health.

5. Improved Digestion

New research has indicated that CBD may be used as a remedy for digestive issues due to its potential effect on cannabinoid receptors in the intestines and stomach. CB-1 receptors specifically regulate stomach acid digestion, and CBD can allegedly alleviate gastrointestinal inflammation, which includes nausea and indigestion. This is helpful to people devoted to fitness, who need to maintain a certain level of nutritional intake to sustain muscle growth and recovery without stomach pain or discomfort.

6. Increased Metabolism

Theories have been trending on how CBD may be used to positively affect metabolism and promote weight loss. Researchers have conducted test-tube studies on white and brown body fat. White fat is considered conducive to unhealthy weight gain since it stores energy, while brown fat generates heat by burning energy, or calories. According to some studies, CBD may cause the “browning” of white fat, in addition to exposure to cold temperatures, exercise, and adequate sleep.

7. Decreased Or Regulated Appetite

While THC is affiliated with appetite stimulation, commonly known as “the munchies,” CBD has been studied and has the potential to have the opposite effect on appetite. Some researchers claim that it may regulate or even reduce food intake and boost metabolism, based on anecdotal evidence from animal studies that indicate how CBD can block CB-1 receptors. These receptors play a role in appetite, and when they’re blocked or deactivated, this correlates to decreased or suppressed appetite. 

8. Decreased Blood Glucose Levels

Stabilizing insulin and glucose levels is important for weight management. CBD’s effect on insulin production has been linked to inducing potential weight loss.


News in the media on how CBD may benefit fitness and health goals have been generating heightened awareness and curiosity, but there’s still limited evidence to prove some of these findings. More human studies are needed to substantiate these claims. The data supporting these hypotheses stem from the already studied impact of CBD on pain and mood, but using it for bodybuilding is a new take on how to utilize its therapeutic effects and benefits. Although CBD is generally considered safe by the World Health Organization, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor first before taking CBD oil to supplement your fitness routine as results can vary from person to person.