Sometimes, the best option to reclaim your fully functional eyesight is to undergo cataract surgery. When your vision no longer becomes a key feature in exploring what Hell’s Kitchen has to offer, a surgery is imminent. With the help of renowned experts of cataract surgery, things get better. 

This post-operation guide will help you return to normalcy in no time. By following these tips and the instructions given to you by your doctor, faster healing is guaranteed.

1.      Avoid Water to Your Eyes 

After the surgery, it is essential to avoid any water coming into contact with your eyes. Remember, you need adequate time for your eyes to heal completely. Interference will only prolong your healing time and can even cause an eye infection. 

You might develop an insatiable and irresistible urge to rub your eyes. The feelings come after the surgery, as you tend to feel dry with the urge to itch, try eye drops. Avoid the contact at all costs, as you can transfer infection-causing germs from your hands to your eyes. If you use makeup, it would be best to avoid any application to your face, as it may enter your eyes, irritating them.

2.      Stick to Your Prescription 

After the cataract surgery, it is essential to take your prescribed medication dosage correctly. Also, do not assume you are completely healed and forfeit your medicine. It could have serious repercussions. The antibiotic eye drops that will be prescribed will protect your eyes against developing an infection. 

3.      Keep off High Impact Exercises 

Assuming you are okay too soon after the cataract surgery will hurt you significantly in the long run. Give yourself time to heal and avoid resuming strenuous activities, as they give rise to unnecessary pressure. Avoid lifting weights, exercises, and even bending. Swimming pools, tubs, and saunas, are a no-go zone.

It is also advisable to avoid chores and physical activity at home. Instead, ask for help until you are completely recovered. After the procedure, you will need to request a ride home from a family member or friend and get rest. You can resume driving only after consulting your doctor and get a go-ahead.

4.      Wear Dark Sunglasses

Wearing sunglasses as you step outside will offer you more protection against sunlight and dust. The irritation could give you the urge to itch, which is not advisable.

5.      Eat Healthily

The excellent aspect of cataract surgery is its less invasive nature compared to general surgery. Plus, you don’t have to follow a strict rule on what you should and shouldn’t eat after the surgery. Please continue with your regular meal plans, as long as it is healthy.

With the above guide, you can be sure your recovery journey after cataract surgery will be seamless. The rule is to follow all your doctor’s advice and inform them of any unforeseen after-effects of the surgery. To be sure of a full recovery, do not skip any of your doctor’s appointments after the cataract surgery.