Chemical peels are skin rejuvenation treatments that make use of solutions that cause the skin to blister and finally flake off. As a result, a new skin that is smoother and less wrinkled develops and this consequently improved the appearance of a person. The treatments can be applied to the hands, face, or even the neck. Chemical peels in San Antonio are effectively used in treating a wide range of skin imperfections, including fine lines, mild scars, certain types of acne, wrinkles, and age spots, among others. Therefore, if you are looking for a way of making your skin look more youthful, this procedure is the answer. Below are some important things that you should know about chemical peels.

Ideal Candidate For Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are generally great for light-haired and fair-skinned people. However, the treatment may also help you if you have darker skin, depending on the issue being treated. However, if you have darker skin, the treatment is likely to leave you with an uneven skin tone.

Skin imperfections such as severe wrinkles, skin sags, and bulges may not respond well to peels. As such, they may need other kinds of cosmetic treatments such as dermal fillers, brow lift, eyelid lift, and laser resurfacing, among others. It is wise for you to talk to your dermatologic surgeon to determine if chemical peels are appropriate for you.

What the Procedure Entails

Chemical peels are usually administered at the dermatologist’s office or even in surgery centers. This is an outpatient procedure, meaning you will not have to spend the night at the hospital. The procedure begins with a thorough cleaning of the area being treated. The dermatologist will then apply a chemical solution such as lactic acid, glycolic acid, carbolic acid, or trichloroacetic acid. The treatment may involve the use of one or several of these chemicals. The chemicals have the effect of creating a controlled wound that allows new skin to develop. During the procedure, you can expect to experience a burning sensation which will be followed by a stinging sensation or even pain. You can manage these side-effects using a cold compress or pain medications.

Are there Possible Complications?

Chemical peels are associated with a number of rare complications. For instance, in some cases, they can lead to permanent or temporary changes in the color of the skin. Besides, although the risk of scarring is considerably low, chemical peels may leave some patients with scars. Last but not least, for patients who have previously experienced herpes outbreaks, the procedure can reactivate the cold sores.

The Bottom Line

Overall, it is apparent that chemical peels are quite effective treatments when it comes to dealing with a number of skin imperfections. Although chemical peels are associated with a number of complications, the risk of such complications is low. If you are looking for a reliable dermatologist offering chemical peels in or around San Antonio, Alamo City Dermatology is an excellent dermatology facility to consider. Feel free to contact or visit them today for more information about the services that they offer.