We live in a time where we are obsessed with the pursuit of the perfect beach body workout, the emphasis on aesthetics often overshadows the importance of functional fitness. Sure, sculpted muscles and chiseled abs may be visually appealing, but what good are they if every movement feels like a potential injury waiting to happen? As someone who appreciates the value of looking good while staying functional, I believe in a workout approach that goes beyond the surface, focusing on strength, agility, and overall well-being.

This article is not about condemning the desire for a toned physique but rather about ensuring that your body is not just a showpiece but a well-functioning, resilient machine. Join me as we explore an anti-beach body workout – a fitness regimen that prioritizes not only the aesthetics but also the functionality of your body. After all, what good is a stunning beach body if you find yourself sidelined with injuries? Let’s delve into five key exercises that will not only enhance your appearance but also have you moving and feeling like an agile, injury-resistant athlete on the sands of your favorite beach. It’s time to redefine the fitness game and focus on a well-rounded approach that ensures you not only look good but move and feel even better.

Push up into corkscrews

Perform a push up either from your knees or if you can do the regular version. When you reach full extension thread 1 leg under your body, keeping it off the floor, and lift the opposite arm off the floor, rotate the upper body and open your chest.

Repeat this process on the other side.

This exercise incorporates a basic bodyweight movement like the push up, but it also involves trunk rotation and shoulder stability making it functionally amazing.

1 leg RDL into a skater stride

Standing on 1 leg perform a hip hinge by bending from the waist and keeping your back in a neutral position. Keep your supporting leg slightly bent, but do not squat, you should feel your hamstring stretch as you descend into the movement. Stand back up by squeezing your glutes and maintaining neutral spine, once you have reached full extension bend your knee and load your supporting leg. Explosively hop onto your other leg and repeat the process on that side

This is a great lower body exercise that implements a variety principle namely, eccentric contraction (lengthening of the muscle), concentric contraction (shortening of the muscle), stability and explosive power. Amazing overall lower body movement

Overhead Med ball slams

Use a medium to heavy medicine ball, raise it above your head and slam it as hard as you can into the floor. Using proper squat ad lifting form repeat this process for a desired amount of reps.

You want a simple exercise to increase explosive power? This is your move! Simple, effective, challenging and will leave you breathless.

Chin ups/pull up

Find a chin up/pull bar and use an underhand grip that is a little wider than shoulder width apart. Pull yourself up to the bar by squeezing your shoulder blades together and keeping your chest high.

This the king of bodyweight strength exercises try switching your grip from underhand to overhand from time to time and targeting different areas of your back and including your biceps into the movement.

DB thrusters

Grab a dumbbell in each and start with them resting on your shoulders. Proceed down into a squat trying to go deep enough so that your hips pass you knees. Explosively stand back up and drive the dumbbells above your head.

A full body movement where your upper and lower body will have to work together to get that weight above your head. Incorporating squats and shoulder press into one smooth move, this should be a staple in your functional program.

By Clint Cupido – Synchronized Nutrition and Training