Some brands are made up of nearly 45% sugar. If your favorite box has a comic on the back, check the nutrition label stat! If there are 8 g of sugar or fewer per serving, you’re fine. Otherwise, it’s time to terminate that tiger. Rating: C

When a whopping 64% of calories come from fat, even a low-carb marketing makeover can’t turn this cash cow into healthy food. Cruise home and grill your own. Rating: F

Yes, it’s calcium- and protein-pumped, but this lumpy cheese isn’t quite as wholesome as you may think. A cup of the curd packs 918 mg of sodium–more than 35% of a healthy daily salt intake–so if you have high blood pressure, limit your intake. Rating: B

With just 35 calories and 40 percent of your daily vitamin C apiece–plus a bounty of cancer fighting lycopene in every bite–tomatoes are one of the best vegetables you can eat, even if you have to resort to getting them as sauce on your slice. Rating: A

Italian docs recently found that guys who ate a small 6-inch pizza once a week had a 22% lower chance of suffering a coronary than patients who rarely touched the stuff. Rating: C

Drive-up chili is a good source of protein and slow-release carbs. It’s also an excellent source of fiber, with a single-cup serving packing nearly 10 grams or artery-clearing, appetite controlling fiber. Rating: B

Keep the meats lean, the vegetables plentiful, avoid mayonnaise-laden toppings, and this ship’s a go. Rating: B

At 27 g of protein per skin-and-boneless 3-oz breast, chicken is one of the best muscle foods on legs. Rating: A

Are they the new “cancer sticks”? Possibly, thanks to the combination of frying and a cancer-causer called acrylamide in every fry. Rating: F

The iron in spinach is spackle for your sinew, helping to rebuild the muscle-tissue that strength training tears down. Rating: A

An apple a day could keep a hacking cough away. Studies show that apples help to counteract damage from inhaled cigarette smoke. Rating: A

Men’s Fitness