The definition of an epidemic is the rapid spread of a disease throughout a population in a short period. One can say that chronic pain is an epidemic because of the demands, expectations, and routines that almost everyone, if not all, experienced in today’s times.  

Let’s take a look at why chronic pain can be classified as an epidemic from the point of view of the kind of lifestyle that we’re living.

Constant Productivity 

The modern era is constantly encouraging individuals to be productive in the sense of provision and acquiring financial freedom. Indeed, finances are required to sustain life. However, the constant need to be productive can cause harm to the body. 

The body requires rest and restoration, which are compromised when one is constantly working long hours. Not all have the opportunity to take a break from the constant hustle as priorities need to be met.

One of the side-effects of constant working hours is chronic pain. The pain can emerge in the form of a backache, shoulder pain, or swollen and painful feet, depending on the nature of your job. One can consult a pain management specialist so that measures can be taken to make sure that despite the long working hours, the body is still in its best shape.


Some of the external factors that cause stress in this modern era include the complexities of relationship dynamics, anxieties about work and ability to provide, cost of living, and the unforeseen dangers that lurk, such as natural disasters and accidents. 

Each working individual has experienced some form of stress in their lives. However, when stress becomes a constant, chronic pain can be a result. 

Joint pain is one of the chronic conditions that are popular among people that may be caused by stress. Fortunately, you can find joint pain supplements to help alleviate the condition while also exploring other methods to help control your stress levels. Some of the stress management techniques include deep breathing, meditation, counseling, and journaling.


Chronic pain is also caused by poor posture. For example, those who spend continuous hours sitting on a desk or those who work in industrial sectors can experience chronic back and shoulder pain. Such examples of the different types of working space and the effects on the body are a part of the reasons why chronic pain can be classified as an epidemic. 

Even though one can’t avoid these situations, one can still be mindful of posture throughout the day. Stretching may help avoid or alleviate the pain that comes with poor posture.

Digital Space 

The globe has become more connected and opportunities have presented themselves in the digital space. However, the chronic pain epidemic can also be attributed to digital space. 

We spend endless hours staring at a screen. The glare may cause chronic pain in the form of headaches and eye soreness. This is why it’s suggested to control the number of hours that one stares at a screen and also to invest in protective shields. By doing so, your body can rest from the glare.

Digital space is also a vast platform for information, which can lead to information overload. Information overload may cause restlessness, tension, and anxiety. Symptoms of these can be in the form of headaches and chest pains. That why it’s important to control the amount and type of information that you engage to avoid possible chronic pain. 


Many illnesses that are experienced come with prescriptions to help alleviate and eventually eliminate the condition. It’s important to carefully analyze the ingredients that are in these medications as well as only use those that are recommended by your doctor. This is important since some medication comes with side-effects in the form of chronic pain, such as headaches and swollen feet. 

If you suspect that any chronic pain is a result of a medication, you should speak to your doctor so that the medication gets changed or underlying health issues can be picked up and treated.


Chronic pain is an epidemic because of the hectic lifestyle, expectations, routines, and demands of the modern era. Some of the causes of chronic pain include the pressure to be productive, stress, posture in our workplaces, technology, and different types of medication.

Chronic pain may be alleviated by visiting a specialist and taking supplements. You should make sure that you visit a recommended and professional specialist who genuinely works with you to get your body in the best possible shape. Also, only take supplements that won’t further compromise your health.