Teens nowadays experience many common dental problems caused by eating habits they learn during their early years. Just like teens, we adults have dental dilemmas that we fail to acknowledge because of our fear of dentists. Just like teens, we adults have dental dilemmas that we fail to acknowledge because of our fear of dentists like the Dentist In Boynton Beach. But there’s one visible dental problem common among teens: crooked teeth.

Teenagers with crooked teeth often suffer from lack of self-esteem and self-confidence. They often ask themselves the questions, “is there an orthodontist near me who can fix my crooked teeth?”, or “will there ever be a solution for my dental problems?”.

Well, crooked teeth may be the most common dental problem among teens, but there are other issues that qualified orthodontists can fix. Let’s all find out what they are, their causes, and the possible things to do to avoid them.

Crooked Teeth

One of the reasons for a self-conscious teen is having crooked teeth. As a teen who wants to start building his or her confidence, having this dental problem will not help you with that goal. When your teeth are not properly aligned, its negative effect will not only affect the way you look but also your overall dental health. If you’re looking to get a better smile, look into Aesthetic Dentistry where you can attain your teeth of your dreams.

When you have crooked teeth, it will be difficult for you to brush and floss your teeth properly. Despite the conscious effort of making them clean, the possibility of bacteria build up is still very high.

When you delay your visit to your nearest orthodontist, there’s a high chance of getting gum diseases such as gingivitis and other infections. What’s worse is possible tooth decay and tooth loss, which is not good for your overall health.

Dental Cavities

Admit it, controlling your urge for sweets is difficult. What more those teens exposed to different kinds of mouthwatering desserts that are hard to resist? No doubt, this is probably the reason why dental cavities are one of the common dental problems among teens.

Brushing your teeth at least three times a day can help prevent dental cavities. Let go of your gadgets and spare some time to brush your teeth, especially after meals. You’ll regret later on once your lazy side emerges victorious over taking care of your oral health. You can also look for Emergency Dentist Mandurah and compare the best clinic to visit to take good care.

Experiencing a simple toothache should not be disregarded. Inform your parents about it so they can bring you to your nearest orthodontist. Listen carefully and follow their instructions to avoid complications that may result in tooth loss.

Overbite and Underbite

Having an overbite or underbite is also a common dental problem for teens. Genetics can play a significant role in this condition because every individual is born with different jaw size. Bigger jaws can accommodate all our adult teeth, which results in a normal bite. However, those who are born with a smaller jaw has to suffer overcrowding, an overbite, or underbite.

Having bad eating habits during your younger years is also a reason for having an overbite and underbite condition. As we enjoy biting our nails and other hard things found at home and in school, we do not know our teeth are already shifting. Since our gums at this age are still soft, movement of teeth is fast, especially this the mentioned eating habits.

Wisdom Tooth Problems

This dental condition has become a problem for teens because it is usually during their age that a wisdom tooth starts erupting. Some will have a complete set of four, some will only have two, while others have none.

When our wisdom tooth starts to erupt, some people may experience discomfort or worse excruciating pain from the third molar area. Having a smaller jaw usually causes overcrowding and wisdom tooth impaction. When a wisdom tooth does not erupt properly, it is considered impacted. To avoid more dental problems such as gingivitis, pericoronitis, and bad breath, they are usually advised to be taken out.

We can avoid all these dental problems by maintaining good oral hygiene. At a very early age, it is vital for a person to know the importance of regular checkup. Most importantly, brushing your teeth at least three times a day or every meal time can go a long way.