Exercise is exercise, right? One is as good as the other? Not quite. While exercise and nutritious meals in proper portions is conducive to a healthy life, there is a lot more you need to know to get the most out of your new lifestyle.

It is recommended that people do at least thirty-minutes of exercise per day in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. For some, they are interested in targeting specific areas of their bodies. This can be external, such as toned and muscled abs, or internal, which can be stamina and endurance. There are four different exercise types that target these areas: strength, aerobic, balance, and flexibility. Here is a quick run-down of these different exercise types.



Strength exercises are what helps you build and define muscle mass. For young people this can be beneficial in their sporting activities. For older people it can help them retain enough control to maintain their independence. Also known as resistance training, strength exercises include: lifting weights and pulling on a resistance band (products and guides available at bestbarbells.com). Some specific exercises include: arm curls, seated rows with resistance band, and knee curls.



Also known as endurance training, aerobic exercises focus on your breathing and getting your heart pumping more. By ensuring your heart is healthy and strong, it can help to prevent issues with your lungs, heart disease, and other related illnesses. Essentially, the more you do, the more you will be able to do. Aerobic exercises include: walking, running, swimming, sports, dancing, and more strenuous everyday activities like gardening and errands.



Problems with balance affects a lot of the elderly, often leading to falls and loss of independence. This exercise type is not overly-strenuous, and can therefore be done irregardless of age. Balance exercises include: walking heel-to-toe, standing on one foot using a steadying tool, and even tai chi. As already stated, this is an exercise type helpful to those with balance issues, so it is important for them to have a steadying beam, sturdy chair, or support person with them as a precaution.



This fourth exercise type, while not touted as being crucial to attaining and sustaining good health, can definitely help. It can improve your range of movement, ensuring independence with old age, and can be included in your routine as stretches to ensure you gain the most from your workout. There are many flexibility exercises you can do, including: raising and lowering yourself from the floor with the use of a steadying tool, rotating your back and shoulders, and doing yoga poses.


There is not one cookie-cutter approach to a healthy lifestyle, but eating well and exercising are the proven ways to go. Speak with your doctor or a physical fitness professional to find out what combination of exercise types will benefit you the most.