Musculoskeletal complications cause discomfort and immobility in severe cases. Shoulder injuries are one of the ligament defects that affect 39.6 % of the population. Ronald Hess, MD, DO, stresses the importance of early intervention in managing shoulder injuries. Dr. Ronald uses state-of-the-art technology and innovative treatments to manage and treat shoulder injuries. He also specializes in arthroscopic shoulder surgery in West Chester for shoulder injury treatment. This article analyses salient information pivotal to prevention and recovery from shoulder injuries.

What causes shoulder injuries

The shoulder has a ball and socket joint at the center of the humerus, clavicle, and shoulder blade. The rotator cuff in the shoulder allows for a wide range of motion. It follows that the most prevalent cause of shoulder injuries is rotator cuff tendinitis and rotator cuff tear. Other causes are:

  • Accidents
  • Arthritis
  • Bone spurs
  • Dislocated shoulder
  • Osteoporosis
  • Trauma
  • Spinal cord injury

These causes generally are due to autoimmune diseases, aging, or impact on the shoulder joints. Shoulder treatment is contingent on the cause.

Types of Shoulder Injuries

Clavicle fractures – The clavicle is the connecting bone between the axial skeleton and the upper body. Clavicle fractures account for one in 20 shoulder injuries. Clavicle fractures result from impact or overstretching of the arm and are palpable along its length.

Glenohumeral dislocation – Excessive external rotation of the glenohumeral joint causes the shoulder bones to shift involuntarily, creating a noticeable bulge on the shoulder. A bulge is an indicator of glenohumeral dislocation.

Rotator cuff tears – Trauma causes the rotator cuff to tear and limit the arm’s rotating motion.

Diagnosis and Treatment

The primary test is a physical exam. The doctor may request a medical history to determine whether bone deformities run in your family. Imaging tests such as X-rays and ultrasound scans provide an unobstructed view of the shoulder structure. The scans pinpoint bone malformation that may be the cause of shoulder pain.


Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs minimize shoulder pain. Corticosteroid injections are stronger pain relief medications. However, you should consult a doctor to understand the side effects of these drugs and whether they aggravate underlying medical conditions.

Physical therapy

Light exercises and massages ease pressure on the shoulder joints. Mild shoulder injuries do not require advanced treatment. However, since you can’t diagnose yourself, seeking an orthopedist’s opinion on appropriate exercises and therapy regimens is imperative.


Surgery techniques treat diseased joints and degenerative tissues that cause shoulder injuries when subjected to impact. The types of surgery methods are;

Arthroscopy–  This minimally invasive technique uses a small camera to transmit the shoulder joint images that guide the surgeon during surgery. Rotator cuff tears and shoulder tendonitis require arthroscopy for effective treatment.

Arthroplasty – It is a resurfacing procedure for damaged bones. The surgeon may recommend complete or partial replacement of the joint depending on the extent of the damage. A prosthetic replaces the worn-out bones and joints. Arthroplasty is suitable for osteoarthritis and shoulder fractures.

Dislocation repair – Significant shoulder dislocations require surgery to align the shoulder joints.


Shoulder injuries cause immense pain. You have access to the best medical care offered by Ronald MS, DO, for your shoulder injuries. Reach out to him today for effective treatments of the shoulder and other orthopedic injuries.