The choice to pursue plastic surgery is a big one. It’s not a decision you can make lightly. Cosmetic surgery ultimately affects the way you see your own body.

So how can you be sure you’re making the right choice? Check out the following suggestions to help guide your decision process.

Keep Expectations Realistic

When considering a cosmetic procedure, keep in mind that while it can change your life, it will not solve all your problems. Cosmetic surgery can change your appearance or reduce pain, which can bring positive results for you. However, it is not a cure-all. 

Additionally, results may not be permanent due to your body’s continued growth and aging.

There is no guarantee that the outcome will be what you expected. 

Assess Viability for You

Cosmetic procedures are not a good fit for everyone. Talk with a doctor at the Aestheticon Clinic to ensure there is no physical health condition that would prevent you from going ahead with the surgery.

It is also essential to evaluate how pursuing one procedure may affect you psychologically. Some people can become addicted to plastic surgery.

It is advisable to talk with a counselor to understand your sense of self-worth before deciding to go ahead with plastic surgery. They can help you avoid possible problems with the desire for multiple procedures.

Know Your Procedure

Before considering surgery, do your research to understand what is involved in the procedure. Assess whether you are prepared to go through the whole process.

Ask questions, and get all the details. Will the surgery involve grafting skin or cartilage from other parts of your body? How lengthy and complex is the recuperation period?

Understand the Risks

Many cosmetic procedures involve surgery, and surgery carries various potential dangers. Know what could go wrong, and consider whether the benefits outweigh the risks.

Some issues that go along with surgery are complications with general anesthesia and the possibility of infection. General anesthesia affects your brain, heart, and lungs, so if something goes wrong, it can be life-threatening.

Infections are always a possibility with any surgical procedure, but post-op antibiotics can usually reduce this risk. There is also the risk of not liking the end result, which would then require another surgery to change it.

Count the Cost

Cosmetic surgery is costly in more than one way. It is almost always considered elective and thus not covered by most health insurance plans

Depending on the recovery time necessary, you might also have to take weeks or months off work and end up losing income. You’ll also need to understand whether the surgery will cause unsightly bruising that will make you hesitant to go out in public for a time.

Choose the Right Surgeon

This may the most crucial part of the process. Working with the right surgeon can make all the difference in the world as far as your understanding of the procedure, surgery outcome, and recovery time.

There are several different aspects to consider when selecting your surgeon. Consider their credentials, experience, facility, and patient evaluations.


To start with, only consider surgeons with proper education and licensing. You cannot risk having such complicated work done to your body by a person without the right qualifications.

Choose a surgeon who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). They should also be a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS).


The surgeon you choose should have experience in the type of procedure you are considering. The more frequently they do that surgery, the more skilled they become at it. Select someone who does this procedure regularly.


You’ll want to be sure the location where your doctor operates is clean and safe. It needs to be adequately equipped for the administration of general anesthesia. It is also wise to check the anesthetist’s credentials.

The facility should be prepared to deal with any emergencies that arise during surgery. This means having everything ready to administer advanced life support if necessary.

Check that the operating facility is certified to perform the cosmetic procedure you are considering. Even office-based procedures like dermal fillers, Botox, liposuction, and non-invasive fat reduction procedures should be done under sterile conditions with the supervision of a plastic surgeon.

Patient Evaluations

Talk with past patients of the surgeon you are considering. One easy way to do this is to ask your friends and family for referrals. You can also ask the doctor to put you in contact with people who have had procedures done and can tell you about their experience.

Past Work by This Doctor

You will also want to look at work the surgeon has done in the past. You can ask for photos when you visit their practice. To get a better idea of what your results may look like, pay attention to the outcomes for people whose frame or features are similar to yours.


Cosmetic surgery can be risky, but for many people, the benefits outweigh the risks. 

By doing your research about the procedure and recuperation, you should be able to decide what is best for you.