When your loved one is diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s you want to keep them safe and look for the best treatment options. Exercise is crucial for anybody, but are you aware that it offers unique benefits for people with Alzheimer’s or dementia? A senior diagnosed with dementia starts developing behavioral challenges due to memory loss. In such a case, providing memory care, whether in assisted living or at home, is vital. Here are safe exercise ideas for seniors with dementia that you can do with your loved one. .


This is one of the best free exercises your senior can take. They can walk around the house, the yard, and in the neighborhood. However, if they are walking away from the house, make sure you are supervised. You can combine this with an errand like dog walking or walking to the grocery store. Walking has both physical and mental benefits. It helps stretch and change the environment.

Tai Chi

This exercise is ideal for active seniors. It is a gentle martial art favorable for seniors with health conditions or dementia. The slow and fluid moments help improve balance.


You can also give them simple tasks in the garden. For example, they can pull a rake or pull-out weed. They can also water flowers. These tasks give them a sense of belonging and accomplishment. It is also a good way to keep them active.


This is another form of activity that can be done as an exercise. If they have a favorite song, play it for them and ask them to dance. You can also take them to a private dance party. You can also look for events planned for seniors that will include dancing.

House Chores

Doing house chores can also be a form of exercise. So, introduce them to simple tasks like vacuuming, folding clothes, washing the car, or dusting. They will keep them active and give them a sense of meaning.

Chair Yoga

Chair yoga can be another safe exercise for a senior. They can try various yoga poses while using the chair for support. According to studies, yoga has been proven to help boost balance for people with dementia or Alzheimer’s. Combining yoga with breathing exercises and stretching helps in balance, relaxation, and coordination.

Exercise Classes

Some senior living facilities offer exercise classes for individuals with dementia or Alzheimer’s. here, special classes are tailored to help improve fitness. They also help seniors interact with others and get out of the house.

Stationary Bike Riding

This repetitive movement is crucial for someone with dementia and Alzheimer’s. The movement is easy, and riding on a bike gets muscles moving and the heart pumping.

Lifting Light Weights

This is another crucial exercise you can incorporate into the life of your loved one living with dementia. It helps in cognitive improvement and combating bone loss. However, always make you’re your loved one is lifting weights under supervision.


If your loved one is living with dementia, giving their life meaning is crucial. These are activities and forms of exercise you can include in their life to keep them active. The most important thing is to make sure they are safe during and after the activities.