A facelift is a cosmetic surgery in which people lift their wrinkled skin to obtain a youthful and better face. Facelift surgery is also known as rhytidectomy.

There are different types of medical surgeries by which the person will remove their excess skin.

As the person’s age increases, the skin loses its tightening. If you plan to obtain a facelift, you can visit a Toronto facelift specialist for a younger and better version of yourself.

Facelift shows impressive results to the lower two-thirds of the face. You must consider other procedures too, such as:

  1. Neck lift- A patient who takes a facelift will also consider a neck lift to appear younger.
  1. Blepharoplasty- Lifting the eyelids correctly alongside the facelift will be the preference for people going through a facelift. 

Aging of the face is mainly shown by the change in the position of the anatomical structures such as lower face muscle, fat, and the eye muscle that is orbicularis oculi which lead to three landmarks named as broken jawline by ptosis of the lower face muscle (platysma), makes the descent of the cheek fat and decreasing the tone of the eye muscle (orbicularis oculi).

Side Effects of a Facelift

People going through the surgery will have to endure physical and mental problems.

  1. People who generally smoke are at risk of developing postoperative drawbacks. Their face will return to normal even after having the surgery.
  1. People who have diabetes and have the problem of high blood pressure also face complications after the surgery. Before the surgery, the patients are advised not to take medication such as aspirin and blood coagulation drugs. 
  1. Generating psychological illnesses such as a decrease in sensory perception may occur. 


  1. SMAS lift- This consists of ligaments, fats that make a face set in its normal position.
  1. Deep-plane facelift- In this method, the nasolabial fold is kept more accurately in position, but this technique is very risky compared to the SMAS lift as with this, the facial nerve may also become damaged. 
  1. Thread lift- This is a non-surgical technique in which the face is kept at the correct position with the help of the silicon thread without incising the skin.


A common complication seen during facelift surgery is bleeding, making the patient return to the operating room. Other complications also include:

  1. Hematoma- Bleeding from the artery will result in a condition named dyspnea.
  1. Nerve injury- This is temporary or permanent damage to the nerve, which can harm either the skin’s sensory area or motor area.