For a woman, her breasts are a mirror of her sense of self. Small or asymmetrical breasts can affect a woman’s psychological and emotional state. This lowers their confidence and self-esteem. As a result, there has been a sharp increase in demand for undergoing breast augmentations. It has remained among the top five cosmetic procedures since 2006.

Breast augmentation is a standard plastic surgery procedure. The procedure involves placing implants under the skin to increase the size of the breasts. This procedure can be performed using saline or silicone gel implants.

But before undergoing the process, you should ask yourself some critical questions: Am I the right candidate? What are the factors to consider? Well, here we answer all these questions. Keep going!

7 Factors to Consider Before Breast Augmentation

The qualities of a good breast augmentation patient continue to be constant. But the prices vary. For instance, a breast augmentation cost in Fresno, CA, ranges from $3,000 to $4,000 for surgeon’s fees alone.

So, what factors does someone need to consider?

Breast augmentation depends on factors such as age, body type, body mass index (BMI), medical history, implant size, expectations from the surgery, etc. But, what else? Let’s find out!

1 .Age

Age is a factor that you should consider before undergoing any plastic surgery procedure. Younger women have breasts that are not fully developed and may require additional time. Breast augmentation is usually never performed on anyone under the age of 18.

2. Body Type

Body types vary significantly among people. A woman’s body type can affect her decision to undergo breast augmentation. Women with broader chest walls and naturally small breasts may desire breast augmentation as a way to balance out her body shape.

3. Breast Size

Most women understand breast size to be measured in cup sizes (since this is how women shop for bras). However, plastic surgeons measure breast size by volume, namely in cubic centimeters (CCs). 

When discussing your desired increase with your plastic surgeon, your conversation will be less about the cup size you desire and more about how you want your body to look.  

4. Implant Size

One of the essential variables in enjoying the outcome is selecting the appropriate implant size. Breast implants are sized in cubic centimeters, with a higher CC indicating a larger implant. Implant size is determined by the patient’s desire for a natural appearance and the doctor’s evaluation of the patient.

The patient should experiment with several implant sizes to see how each one will seem on their particular body type. To get an idea of what to anticipate, ask your surgeon to show photos of other women who have had implants.

5. Medical History

A woman who wants to have her breasts enlarged should consider having a consultation with a plastic surgeon. They will physically examine the patient’s body and ask about their medical history.

If the doctor feels the patient is a good candidate for surgery, they will recommend specific tests and procedures. These tests may include mammograms, ultrasound scans, blood work, and bone density testing.

Once you complete these tests, the doctor will recommend the type of implant that best suits the patient’s needs.

Also, women who have recently had children may need to wait longer to undergo surgery (if they are still breastfeeding).

6. Types of Implants

Breast implants are artificial devices placed under the skin and filled with saline solution. There are two types of implants: silicone gel-filled and saline-filled. Silicone gel implants are preferred over saline implants due to their superior shape retention and natural feel. However, saline implants are still widely used today.

Saline implants are less expensive and easier to insert since they are inserted as empty “balloons” and filled once they are in the breast pocket.

7. Plastic Surgeon Selection

Women who want to enlarge their breasts should consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. A qualified professional will know how to place the implants and ensure they stay in place properly.

Women who want to improve the appearance of their breasts should discuss their options with a cosmetic surgeon. They can help determine if breast augmentation is the best option for the patient.


What Should You Be Aware of Before Getting Breast Implants?

Modern breast implants are safe and durable, but they are not permanent. Today’s implants typically last longer than ten years before they need to be replaced. Patients with implants must go in for annual exams and often check themselves.

Who Cannot Have Breast Implants?

Anyone with good physical and mental health may be a candidate for breast implants. However, if you are pregnant or nursing, you probably aren’t a good candidate for this procedure. Also, if your mammogram is abnormal or you have breast cancer, you are not a good fit until after you have completed your treatment.

What Is the Most Typical Side Effect of a Breast Augmentation Procedure?

 Many studies find that capsular contracture is the most reported problem following breast implant surgery. This condition occurs when the scar tissue around the implant hardens and begins to constrict.