Throughout our lifetime, chances are we will experience some sort of stress. This is our body’s reaction to things that put high demand on our brains, including negative situations. While severe stress can lead to anxiety and depression, there are many ways that can help relieve how you are feeling. Keep reading to learn six tips that can help you relax. 

Try meditation 

Meditation is one of the most popular methods used to reduce stress. It focuses on controlling our breathing, and can even be used to build up your resilience to stress. It works by triggering the parts of the brain the promote a sense of calmness, rather than our stress triggers. There are many different meditation techniques that you can follow, each with their own benefits. If you’re new to the exercise, try finding some meditation techniques for beginners. 

Purchase some essential oils 

Aromatherapy has been used for hundreds of years, and essential oils have many benefits. By wearing them or using them in a diffuser, we can calm our nerves and rest our minds. You could even try using CBD oil, like these mentioned at Rave Reviews. Each oil has its own individual benefits, but the most popular ones for stress include lavender, rose, and jasmine.  

Eat better 

Food can significantly affect our mood, so it’s vital that we moderate what we eat. For example, sugar and caffeine can promote more stress and anxiety. Instead of junk food, try and reach for healthy alternatives, and prepare nutritious meals. Dark chocolate has been proven to improve our cognitive function, and fruit and vegetables are full of nutrients and vitamins.  

Exercise regularly 

Exercise is not only beneficial for our physical health but also for our mental health. When we participate in an activity, our body releases feel-good endorphins, which in turn reduces our stress levels. You don’t need to vigorously exercise to feel this, and even going on a brisk walk or trying out yoga can make a huge difference. 

Avoid procrastination 

When you procrastinate, you feel upset with yourself because you aren’t completing the things that you should. This can cause you to become anxious, as you become overwhelmed when it comes time to complete the tasks. Try finding ways to avoid procrastination and stay motivated as much as possible.  


Laughter really is the best medicine, and if you’re feeling stressed, it can take all those emotions away. In fact, it’s been proven to reduce stress hormones and in place releases happy ones to keep our mind at ease. Try putting on your favorite movie, or spending time with your family or friends to keep the blues away. 

While some of these techniques might not work for everyone, it’s always worth trying natural methods to help reduce your stress levels. If you still feel overwhelmed, you should always book an appointment to visit your local GP. It’s important to know that everything you are feeling is normal, and there are people out there that can help you.