In the event you are experiencing hay fever, which is a chronic respiratory problem, be at rest now. Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Associates, LTD is your all-time service provider. Allergic rhinitis can occur at any time of the day. The institution specializes in the treatment of hay fever in Gilbert. Book an appointment with our esteemed service providers online today.

What is hay fever?

It is allergic rhinitis, which manifests as a type of inflammation in the nose which occurs when the immune system overreacts to allergens in the air. Signs and symptoms include a runny and stuffy nose, sneezing, red itchy, watery eyes, and swelling around the eyes.

What is the best cure for hay fever?

One can treat this is by putting Vaseline around the nostril to trap pollen and wearing wraparound sunglasses to stop pollen from getting into your eyes. Additionally,  you should shower and change your clothes after being outside to wash pollen off and stay indoors whenever possible while keeping windows and doors shut as much as possible.

How long can it last?

Hay fever lasts for as long as you are exposed to the allergen, typically several weeks. Colds usually last three to seven days. It produces a running nose with a thin, watery discharge.

Can you suddenly get hay fever?

It is likely to contract hay fever even though experts aren’t sure what triggers it. Sufferers are more likely to have it if it runs in the family. It usually starts during childhood, but people can start to show symptoms later on in life, and there are increasing numbers of middle-aged and elderly people being affected by allergies

What triggers it?

Hay fever is caused by the nose and eyes coming into contact with an environmental allergen, such as pollen, dust mites, molds, and animal hair. Most people associate it with spring when airborne grass pollens are at their peak. This is known as seasonal allergic rhinitis or spring allergies.

How does hay fever make you feel?

Hay fever or allergic rhinitis symptoms are similar to the symptoms of a common cold. Some common symptoms include sneezing, congestion, coughing, sinus pressure, an itchy nose, mouth, throat, and fatigue. It can be difficult to tell the difference between a cold and allergies.

What is the best home remedy for it?

Honey is said to be a natural remedy for hay fever because bee pollen can desensitize your body to other pollens. Increasing honey in your daily dietary intake should reduce hay fever symptoms significantly. Make sure you use local honey in your area to see the best results.

What should I eat if I have hay fever?

Appropriate food for hay fever includes onion, fish, seeds, apples, broccoli, turmeric, garlic, and tomatoes. These foods are full of quercetin, a natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory, making them perfect for battling allergy symptoms. Additionally, tuna, salmon, and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acid, which has been shown to reduce inflammation.

Does it make you tired?

One gets tired because of allergies. Most people with a stuffy nose and head caused by allergies will have some trouble sleeping. But allergic reactions can also release chemicals that cause you to feel tired.

In conclusion, spring allergies can be a serious respiratory problem that should be treated upon the sufferer’s getting infected.