For an incredible smile without unending dentist visits, veneers are the solution. Veneers are slim shells bound to the teeth to change their physical appearance in shape, size, and color. An improved smile by veneers can boost self-confidence, leading to a positive influence on society. Veneers can either be of composite resin or porcelain; both products match the color of the teeth and look natural. Veneers can change the shape of the teeth, whiten the color of the teeth, and give the illusion of straight uniform teeth to people with irregular arrangement of teeth. Veneers can be applied if you have cracked or broken teeth, chipped teeth, short teeth which need a little bit of elongation, colored teeth, a large gap between teeth, or misaligned teeth. Dr. Taylor’s Family Dental Center provides high quality veneers in Waterford to restore the natural, beautiful appearance of your smile.

Veneers come in two types: porcelain and lumineer. Porcelain veneers are thin shells that are bonded to the teeth to give a beautiful, straight, white smile. For a veneer process to take place, two to three visits are required to remove some part of natural enamel since this helps the veneers look natural and blend in with the entire teeth. Lumineers veneers are semi-permanent veneers bonded to teeth to improve its appearance. The preparation of lumineers veneers requires a short time compared to porcelain veneers. Lumineers can be removed if the client decides to, since they are semi-permanent. Dr. Taylor’s Family Dental Center also offers the following services apart from veneers: denture, cosmetic dentistry, emergency dentistry, crowning, teeth whitening, dental implants, and pediatric dentistry.


Dentures are detachable spare teeth made of resin, nylon, or metal to replace teeth in the mouth. A denture can be partial, immediate, overdentures, or complete dentures. A complete denture is the replacement of all teeth in the mouth due to missing or decayed teeth. A partial denture is the filling of gaps left toothless to restore the chewing ability. Immediate dentures are used  temporarily when your mouth is not yet fully healed from teeth removal. Overdentures provide stability to missing teeth or any dental implants. Dentures can last up to seven years, and regular rinsing and brushing are needed to remove plaque and food remains.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry deals with the look of the smile and how you feel when smiling. Cosmetic dentistry fixes chipped teeth, discolored teeth, missing teeth, crooked teeth, receding gums, and broken teeth.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening involves removing stains developing within the teeth. Teeth whitening is necessary as you age as the teeth tend to lose their white color due to diminishing the enamel layer, genetics, tobacco use, or medication. Hydrogen peroxide is used to remove whiteness within the teeth. The process is quick and painless.

Crowns and Dental Implants

Crowning involves capping the tooth to fix the shape or give a strong cover to the teeth. Crowning is necessary if you have a dental implant, get a root canal, restore broken teeth, shape the teeth, and to strengthen a decayed tooth. Dental implants involve replacing a tooth entirely with the aid of a titanium root and artificial crowning. Implants are fixed directly to the jawbone and will not shift, slip, or move in the mouth during use, like eating or talking.

Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric dentistry deals with the maintenance and improvement of oral health among children. Children’s oral health is as essential an foundation for healthy teeth in the future. The environment at the dental center is friendly to help children be comfortable. Pediatric dentistry involves teeth cleaning, dental sealants, x-ray, and filling.

If you need any dental care assistance, contact Dr. Taylor’s Family Dental Center today to schedule a consultation with a specialist.