The healthcare industry is no stranger to issues in the sphere of information technology (IT), having faced many challenges over the past few years. However, these IT issues do not hinder the healthcare industry from embracing information technology altogether. That said, here are some of the healthcare IT issues that commonly occur:

1. Security and Privacy

Security breaches, patient privacy, and cyber theft are only three of the security issues faced by a healthcare IT service. Similar to other IT systems, the healthcare IT system is also at risk of security breaches, a hack, or viruses. Some of these security breaches include theft of personal information. So, members of the healthcare industry are continually looking for ways to prevent this from happening.

2. Fusion and Interoperability

Interoperability is the ability to centralize different software. This means that if interoperability is achieved, exchanges in data can be possible across different software. Unfortunately, this poses a challenge among hospitals these days. Different software still can’t share information with each other. In effect, nurses still manually enter information into different data software. The healthcare IT system is still struggling to develop efficient processes to export data across different software.

3. Retroactive Technology

Hospitals are usually already established and have technology that works well. For several years, the systems have already been integrated into the workflow of the entire facility. As time goes on, it will become harder and harder to keep up with the times and keep changing the systems.

Hospitals must learn to continue upgrading according to the latest technology. They must also make sure that the software or system that they will adopt now will be easily configured for future technology. Facilities in the healthcare industry must also be prepared to invest in capital expenses to help in the transition to new technology.

4. Making Sense of Big Data

Right now, data is overflowing in the healthcare industry. For data to be of any value, the healthcare industry must know how to collect data and use this for their benefit. Using IT, the healthcare industry can use data analytics to strategize and analyze. However, this data can be overwhelming, and most healthcare facilities are still not capable of fully understanding it. As such, even making sense of big data is a challenge in the healthcare IT industry which is where netsuite accounting can help.

5. Effectivity of Remote Access to Healthcare or Medicine

Digital technologies have the ability to improve the functionality of telemedicine. However, this has also been an issue in the healthcare industry. Healthcare providers are still struggling to expand performance abilities in remote platforms. Because of this, IT service providers for healthcare facilities need to improve on streaming functionality, as well as real-time communications and updates on apps for remote healthcare and medicine.

6. Cost-Effectiveness and Integration

Maintaining and continually keeping up with the IT upgrades in the industry can be costly and challenging to integrate throughout the entire facility. In turn, to prevent impeding of adoption for these new technologies, infrastructure costs will be increased. The budget for IT is also as important as the budget used for the development of doctors.

Integration of an entirely new system will be challenging to do for a whole healthcare facility. So, you might want to make sure that your systems can be conveniently configured to accommodate changes in the system. This will make it more cost-effective and efficient to migrate to a new system.

7. Simpler User Experience

User experience is very important wherever you go, especially when you are dealing with individuals in need of medical help. IT systems and apps in the healthcare industry need to be more integrated and more accessible for users. At the same time, the internal IT systems also need to be integrated and user-friendly.

Electronic health record systems need to be easily accessible by every doctor inside a healthcare facility. At the same time, patients should also be able to access their records, schedule check-ups and tests, and see test results on their app easily. By doing this, efficiency and customer satisfaction will also be improved. In turn, this will help you in justifying budgetary concerns for future developments in the IT of healthcare facilities.


Regardless of the number of issues, healthcare facilities will be able to overcome these issues. Healthcare facilities just need to be more aware of the issues they will be facing and be prepared to make some upgrades in the network’s infrastructure. By doing this, any healthcare facility will be ready for the future.