Our eyes give us unmeasurable opportunities to appreciate the beautiful world around us. It is one of the special senses. With time, a lot of changes occur in our eye anatomy that leads to eye problems so it is important to keep your eyes healthy. However, a lot of these can be prevented and delayed with a healthy lifestyle and routine eye care examination. This article includes all the food that will help you in maintaining your eye health at the optimum level. Nonetheless, regular eye check-ups are crucial to identify the smaller problem and preventing them to transform into bigger complex issues. For this, you can visit an eye care professional who is well versed in detecting all these issues with his expertise, like the one present at See & Be Seen eyecare center.

It has been observed after several studies that nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, copper, vitamin E are seen to reduce the risk of getting age-related eye problems. Adding the following food to your diet will influence the health of your eyes:

  1. Fish: Everyone is well versed in the importance of adding fish in your diet. It will be a smarter idea to add a mixed variety of fish in your diet since every fish is not beneficial for eye health. Although, most of them are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Similarly, oily fishes are those, loaded with oil in their guts and body tissues. The fish containing most of the beneficial omega-3s are tuna, salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines, herring, anchovies, etc. Adding fish to the diet also resulted in the reversal of dry eyes in affected individuals. 
  2. Nuts and legumes: Nuts and legumes are naturally high in omega-3 fatty acids. Nuts contain high levels of vitamin-E as well. Vitamin E has been seen to reduce the risk of age-related damage within the eye. Some of the most beneficial nuts and legumes are walnut, lentils, cashew, peanuts, Brazil nut, etc.
  3. Seeds: Just like nuts and legumes, seeds are high in omega 3 and also a rich source of vitamin E. You can munch up on chia seeds, flax seeds, and hemp seeds for better results.
  4. Leafy green vegetables: Leafy green vegetables are a good source of every nutrient essential for us. Some well known leafy green vegetable includes spinach, kale, and collards.
  5. Citrus fruits: Citrus fruits are full of vitamin C. Vitamin C is rich with antioxidants that are recommended for age-related eye damage prevention. Vitamin C-rich citrus fruits including lemon, orange, grapefruits, etc are extremely beneficial for eye health.
  6. Carrots: Carrots are rich in vitamins. It is enriched with beta carotene as well as vitamin A. Beta carotene is also responsible for the orange appearance of the carrots. Vitamin A is essential for eye health and strengthens the eye health. 
  7. Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes are also enriched with beta carotene. They also provide antioxidants beneficial for the health of your eyes and general health.
  8. Red meat: Long term consumption of zinc has been seen to influence eye health positively. Zinc helps in preventing age-related macular degeneration and sight loss. The eye has high zinc content as well. Especially in the retina. 
  9. Water: Reduced intake of water is responsible for many problems affecting every organ. Eyes are also affected in the same way. By getting a generous amount of water, you can reduce the risk of getting dry eyes.  
  10. Eggs: Eggs are the source of lutein and zeaxanthin that are responsible for reducing age-related vision disorders. The eggs are a great source of vitamin D, vitamin E and zinc as well. Enriched components of eggs are responsible for repairing the damage as well.

By adding these food items in your diet, you can reverse as well as delay the effect of your strenuous lifestyle, on your general health as well as eye health. Apart from this, avoid working long hours on computers to prevent eye-straining, quit smoking and eat healthy food. You can also perform some eye exercises to relax your tired eye muscles every day.