Ostarine happens to be a compound that is considered to be one of the most recent SARMs and is quite well-known in the fitness industry. In this post, we will mention a brief history of the supplement, its benefits, as well as potentialside effects.

Medical History:

Ostarine, also referred to as Enobosarm, is an investigational drug which is in the 2nd phase of medicinal trials for treating stress urinary incontinence in females.

Ostarine was initially produced with the intention of preventing muscle wasting as well as osteoporosis in the females who have already undergone menopause.

Despite the fact that it was manufactured by Merck & Company, GTX has succeeded in acquiring the rights and has contributed significantly in research as well as development. GTX declared at one stage that it had invested $35 million for creating the supplement. Moreover, GTX does not show any indication to stop their research at least in the near future.

However, not much is known regarding the contribution made by Ostarine in the fields of athletics as well as bodybuilding. However, comprehensive research was carried out in labs since the later part of the 90s.

Key Benefits:

The benefits that we derive from Ostarine are going to depend on other things as well like the frequency of our lifting, whether we are stacking it with the other SARMs and also the amount of nutrients received by our system. Below, we have highlighted the notable benefits offered by Ostarine at present.

1. Healing of Joints and Muscles

Even a few dosages of this supplement can help to reduce muscle soreness. In fact, most of the fitness buffs are full of energy even after toiling at the gym for several hours at a stretch. In normal conditions, they would become extremely exhausted following their exercise sessions.

2. Gaining Lean Muscles

Being highly anabolic, Ostarine will help you to gain at least 8 lbs. of lean muscle mass along with a balanced diet and workout regimen. However, while some users have gained 15 to 20 lbs. of lean mass, others have gained as little as 5 lbs. Therefore, it will be fair to assert that different individuals will react differently to Ostarine, although 7 – 8 lbs. will be a risk-free number out there.

3. Fat Reduction

Cutting cycles can prove to be a pain given that you’re consuming food items in a deficit. In all probabilities, your metabolic rate is dented significantly. Moreover, secretion of some essential hormones such as the Testosterone and Insulin Growth Factor has been reduced to a great extent. In such cases, Ostarine can prove to be extremely beneficial to the bodybuilder. It will enable you to preserve your muscle by burning fat for fuel. This particular quality has made this supplement one of the most effective compounds when it comes to preventing muscle deficits due to malignancy as well as osteoporosis.

4. Vascularity

After using this compound, your veins will begin to bulge out considerably, and it will go on improving while you advance in the cycle. It is going to hit the summit during the 9th week and following that will remain constant even during the PCT stage.

Notable Side Effects:

It is a proven fact that Ostarine is not going to affect every single cellular receptor within our system. Therefore, it does not cause any side effect which is as acute as that of steroids.

Below we have mentioned some of the most notable side effects which one can experience while ingesting this powerful compound.

• Mild reduction in testosterone production in case the compound is consumed at higher doses.

• Ostarine can lead to back pain and headache when used for the first time.

• Some individuals can experience swollen nipples because of an increase in blood estradiol. This can happen to any user who is sensitive to estrogen.

• On some occasions, users have complained of issues like baldness, difficulties in getting an erection, joint pain, minimized strength, as well as skin changes because of higher doses of the compound.


Ostarine is considered to be highly effective as well as mild SARM with only a few unwanted side effects. Also, it has been shown by clinical studies that this compound is one of the most widely used SARMs on the planet right now. In case you are in need of a SARM without many side effects while getting the desired results, then Ostarine will be your ideal choice.