A buried penis is enclosed by excess skin in the scrotum or pubic area. The scrotum is the sac of skin that envelops the testicles. In a buried Penis condition conditions, the penis functions usually and is of normal length. The only concern is that it is hidden.

Reasons for Buried Penis

The condition can be brought about for the following reasons:

  • excess fat
  • problems with ligaments
  • fluid retention
  • complications after a circumcision

It may affect sexual arousal and urination. It is, however, usually treatable with surgery. A buried penis can be humiliating and detrimental to one’s mental health.

To treat a buried penis, a medical procedure is usually necessary. The condition in small children can resolve without the need for medication. Weight loss can be helpful for obese children and adults. The majority of the time, losing weight isn’t enough to fix the problem.

Buried Penis Surgery

In some form of buried penis condition, surgery is needed. The buried penis surgery options are:

  • Ligaments connect the base of the penis to the pubic bones. Detaching these ligaments would help. It can be done only through surgery.
  • Genital surgery for men is by conducting skin grafts. In this process, skin is grafted in the areas of the penis where skin coverage is required. This can be essential if circumcision eliminates too much skin.
  • Suction Lipectomy. It involves catheters sucking the fat cells under the skin from the region of the penis.
  • Abdominoplasty. It involves the removal of excess skin and fat from a cosmetic surgical procedure. It is also called a tummy tuck.
  • Panniculectomy. It involves the removal of the pannus. The additional tissue and skin that hangs over the thighs and genitals are removed.
  • Escutheonectomy. It involves the removal of the pad of fat just above the pubic area.


A successful penis surgery will make a world of difference in the patient’s life who has buried penis syndrome. Sexual issues as well as urinary issues are often resolved. Additionally, if a skin transplant is performed, the penis normally recovers in a couple of weeks.

After treatment, it’s unlikely that the condition will reemerge in any way. However, particularly if you were overweight or had another underlying cause, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle after surgery. In addition to any signs of complications from your operation, you can consult with your plastic surgeon about proper genital care.

Bottom Line

Antibiotics might be vital if an infection can be seen in the genital region. Additionally, mental counseling might be required if the condition is serious that it influences you or your kid’s sexual wellbeing and confidence.

For a long-term result, buried penis surgery can be done. As guys age and have more continuous erections and more fat accumulation in the pubic zone, Genital surgery for men is more challenging. If the condition has been diagnosed in a young boy or an infant, there are very few chances for a buried penis to get resolved on its own during adulthood. Good genital hygiene should be discussed with a doctor.