Testosterone is an undeniably important hormone in males. Moreover, they are also a vital hormone for women. Testosterone levels drive libido, production of sperm, distribution of body fat, muscle strength, and creation of red blood cells in males. All of these are indispensable to ensure a long and healthy life. In fact, a low testosterone is related to increased obesity and premature death in males.

Unfortunately, in recent days many men struggle with low testosterone levels due to a variety of reasons. Fortunately, we are here to help you with some tidbits to reverse the uncomfortable situation.

Improving Your Diet

Yes, we know. You have heard it before, “good diet and exercise is the best prevention for a plethora of health conditions.” However, this is said with good reason. Your glands need nutrients like zinc, calcium, and cholesterol. These nutrients are essential for producing testosterone, but without the right resources, your body will be unable to make adequate testosterone and keep f functioning properly.

 A balanced diet of proteins, carbs and fat will help you maintain a desirable level of testosterone. On the other hand, a yo-yo diet between starving and overeating can seriously mess with your T-levels.

Carbs maximise testosterone levels during resistance training and protein helps maintain healthy fat level. Contrary to popular belief, high levels of cholesterol diets are shown to be associated with increased testosterone level. 

Here are a few foods that are known to naturally boost your T-levels-

  • Onions (and garlic)– contain flavonoids which protect your sperm against damage.
  • Meat– keep eggs, steak and bacon on your menu this week. Tofu,nuts and seeds are helpful too.
  • Fish- Fatty fish like salmon, tuna and mackerel are great testosterone inducers.
  • Oysters- along with beef and beans, this zinc-rich food is a well known T booster.
  • Spinach– rich in magnesium which helps keep a higher level of testosterone  in your body. Almonds and cashews are good alternatives too.

Vitamins and Supplements That Help

According to the Journal of Hormone and Metabolic Research, vitamin D supplements can help correct your T-levels. However, keep in mind that supplements will not do you any good when paired with poor diet and lack of sleep.

Nonetheless, a 12-month study found a 25 % increase in testosterone levels after supplementing with around 3,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day. So, spend at least 15 min under sunlight exposure on a daily basis or pop up a tablet (3000 IU) from the bottle. 

Another helpful supplement is Omega-3 fish oil. This stimulates Luteinizing hormone production is responsible for triggering testosterone synthesis. The “good fat” will also help neutralize the effects of the cholesterol in your diet. 

DHEA is a hormone that helps produce testosterone. With age, DHEA level begins to fall.  A study claims the positive impact on T-levels of taking DHEA supplements in older men.

Creatinine is also another T-friendly supplement. It is known to have a reliable albeit small impact on testosterone levels. You can get your natural dose of creatinine from salmon,tuna and beef. 

Other minerals are zinc and magnesium, if these are deficient  in your diet it can have a considerable effect on your T levels. Fortunately, this can be handled by diet alone. Keep considerable amounts of dark greens, whole grains, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds in your diet plan to stock up on these minerals. Furthermore, some caffeine before working out has been linked to a boost in T-levels and a more efficient workout. However, drink your coffee in moderation.

Take Natural Testosterone Boosters

Before the advent of supplements and men’s health blogs and magazines, many age old methods have been used to boost testosterone levels. Of these, only a few are scientifically backed. One of such is Tongkat Ali.

The result of regular Tongkat Ali supplements on older men and women has been well documented in studies.

Moreover, studies on mice and infertile humans have shown positive results after the intake of other herbs like ginger, ashwagandha, horny goat weed, Mucuna pruriens and shilajit as well.

Get adequate Sleep

A poor sleep schedule has detrimental effects on both your body and your life in general and this extends to your T-levels as well.  Most of your testosterone is made at night when you sleep thus a lack of zzzs will understandably lower your manly hormones. 

According to the University of Chicago researchers, young men in their 20s who slept less than five hours a day saw a 15% decrease in their testosterone levels. Whereas another study found an increase of 15% in T-levels for every hour of additional sleep.

Typically, healthy adults require a minimum between 7-8 hours of sleep to be fully rested. We understand that this is an impossible feat for many people, however you do not need to sleep for eight hours straight, you can take naps throughout the day and here are a few other tips to help you get your much needed rest.

Exercise and Maintain Your Weight

Exercise helps you in two ways. Firstly, certain workouts directly increase testosterone levels. Secondly, it helps you lose fat. Adipose tissue converts testosterone to oestrogen thus a low body fat will help conserve your Ts. 

The first effective workout is  lifting heavy weights. Here’s how to do it right-

  • Use compound lifts– squats, bench press, deadlift, shoulder press should be your main lifts as these make large muscle groups work which boosts T levels.
  • The higher the volume (sets x reps x weight), the higher the T levels.
  • Try not to take each set to failure though it’s okay to push yourself to failure at the very last set.

The other highly effective workout is HIIT (high intensity interval training) where there are short, intense bursts of exercise, followed by a less-intense recovery period. This is repeated with the intense/less-intense cycle several times throughout the workout. Numerous studies have raved about the benefits of this workout routine.

Nevertheless, bear in mind that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. The same applies to exercise, Exercising causes damage to your body and you need to give some time to allow your body to recover before the next session. Force your body too hard and you might end up with an undesirable decrease in your T level instead.

Keep Your Stress Levels Low

The adverse effect of stress on health is well-documented. Stress causes the release of hormone cortisol which in turn causes testosterone levels to fall.

However, stress is part of life and is unavoidable. But you should try to avoid repetitive stressful situations and find ways to combat your daily stresses.

Avoid Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Alcohol and drug abuse are both linked to poor testosterone levels in the body. Alcohol can cause hormonal reaction and cell damage as well as affects glands involved in male reproductive health. It is a good idea to exclude alcohol from your diet, if that isn’t possible, drink in moderation.

Another underdiagnosed reason for your low T levels may be your prescription meds. Statins, for example, work by lowering your cholesterol level which may indirectly impact testosterone. If you suspect something similar, bring it to your doctor’s attention.

Lifestyle changes and avoid estrogen-like compounds

One of the reasons for low testosterone levels may be your household chemicals. These sneaky products often contain a chemical called xenoestrogen, an endocrine disruptor. Xenoestrogen mimics estrogen in the body and causes significant drop in testosterone levels in men. Unfortunately xenoestrogens are an integral part of nearly all products made these days, like plastics, shampoos, toothpaste and the list goes on. Here are a few tips to cut down your exposure_

  • Never heat food in plasticware, use glassware to store food instead. Plastics contain phthalates responsible for their flexibility. They also imitate estrogen and disturb hormonal balance.
  • Avoid exposure to gasoline and pesticides and wash your hands thoroughly if you do.
  • Switch to organic food where possible.
  • Use natural grooming products

Besides these measures, a healthy sex life will also play an important role in regulating your sex hormones and testosterone levels.

When to Talk To Your Doctor

It is a great idea to try to increase your testosterone levels naturally for a healthier life. However, there are some cases where natural ways won’t cut it. Infertility and low testosterone levels may be linked to an underlying health condition so if you are in doubt, contact your doctor for medical advice to tackle the situation.


The bottom line is testosterone is important to maintain a healthy life. Though it is inevitable that with age, testosterone levels do decrease,  a  healthy lifestyle will slow that decline. Adjust to the above recommendations and observe the effects. These are sure to help.