Because of their smaller size, children are unfortunately more likely to be hurt in car crashes than adults. Because of this, most states have laws that require children be in car seats or booster seats up to a certain age or weight. There are tons of different car seats and booster seats on the market, with tons of different features. So, how can parents figure out which option will be best for the safety and comfort of their child? Well, there are a few things parents can keep in mind as they search for the perfect car or booster seat for their child.

1) Look up the laws in your state.

The laws about car and booster seat requirements vary from state to state. To make sure you’re meeting the requirements of your state, look up the local laws on the topic. You can make sure that you have the proper seating for your child according to their height, weight age etc.

2) Look up safety ratings.

The number one thing you need to be considering when purchasing a car or booster seat for your child is safety ratings. As the VA personal injury lawyers at SRGS Law explain, serious injuries and even death can be caused by an unsafe or ill-fitting car seat or booster seat. It is important to make sure that you pick a seat that has gone through safety tests and come out with flying colors.

3) Make sure the seat is a proper fit.

Children can be hurt if their car seat is too big or too small for them. It is important to make sure that your child fits properly in his or her seat. The straps should reach comfortably across your child’s body, and they should not look much bigger than or smaller than the seat.

4) Make sure your child is comfortable.

While safety is your top concern when picking out a car seat for your child, you also need to make sure that your child is comfortable. After all, he or she will be spending a lot of time in that seat! If your child is old enough, let him or her sit in different seats and help you pick out one that is comfortable for them.

5) Read reviews.

Reading reviews of car seats written by other parents can also be helpful. After all, these parents have already gone through the process, and they probably have some good tips and can steer you away from poor car seat choices.

These are just a few tips to help you on your search for the perfect car seat for your child. Don’t rush this process, because the proper car seat could save your child’s life. According to the CDC, being properly strapped into a car seat reduces the risk of car accident fatalities for children by 71 percent, and Ft. Lauderdale car accident attorney Ronald Rosen agrees, explaining that many fatalities and injuries could be prevented each year with proper car seat usage. So, take the time to do your research, read reviews, check safety ratings, and look up the car seat laws for your state. It’s worth it to help ensure the safety of your child.