CBD products have gained so much popularity because of anecdotal evidence and write-ups about this food supplement that claims to support health and fitness. Additionally, it’s also convenient since CBD products come in various forms, including CBD oil, Organic CBD Nugs, and even topical products.

Many people rely on CBD products to attain their health and fitness goals. But are they effective? And, how do you use CBD products to achieve your fitness goals? Learn how CBD may aid your fitness by reading below. 

What Is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) pertains to a cannabinoid or cannabis compound found in cannabis and hemp plants (specifically, plants belonging to Cannabis sativa species). This cannabinoid influences the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), wherein cannabinoid receptors are present in which CBD may interact with, affecting important bodily functions, such as pain, sleep, mood, and metabolism. Thus, CBD arguably contributes to the natural cannabinoid produced by the body.

CBD products had begun to be developed and sold during the 1990s. However, not all CBD is created equally, especially on the concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the compound that makes you high. To ensure that they’re non-psychoactive, CBD products should contain 0.3% THC or lower. A company that sells high-grade CBD extract must be able to extract it from only the most potent and pure forms of cannabis before it’s sold at an online CBD store or dispensary.

How To Use CBD Products

Now that you know what CBD is, as well as how it influences important bodily functions, it’s time to understand how to use it properly. By knowing such an important thing, you’ll be able to make the most out of your investment.

Here’s how to use CBD products to support your fitness:

1. Use A CBD Dry Herb Vaporizer

Vapes are not just for pleasure-seekers because this type of device is now increasingly used in medication administration and even in maintaining health and fitness. With vape technology, fitness is supported through the use of healthy vape juices, such as CBD oil or CBD flower, to help the body and mind attain relaxation before and after intense physical exercise.

To support the effects of CBD, you may use some of the best CBD dry herb vaporizer in the market. It’s a great option for previous smokers and people who cannot tolerate ingesting CBD oil. The effects are said to be almost immediate, providing users with a more relaxed mind and body.

2. Take Sublingual CBD To Aid In Muscle Recovery

CBD is believed to help promote muscle recovery. This means that taking CBD sublingually through CBD tinctures may be beneficial post-workout. If the CBD content in hemp plants or cannabis plants has been isolated, refined, and then put together to form a supplement, it may provide athletes and fitness enthusiasts with various health and fitness benefits. Some CBD users have reported a noticeable change in the way that their muscles and joints feel after a couple of weeks of taking this supplement.

Aside from helping with muscle recovery, CBD is believed to function as a preventative measure against injury. Some users say that it has helped stop or at least slow down the onset of injuries, particularly strains or sprains.

3. Topical CBD To Help Relieve Pain

CBD has promising effects to reduce the signs and symptoms of inflammation, such as muscle pain, among athletes who are participating in intense exercise. CBD products, like CBD oil, balms, roll-on tinctures, and salves, can be applied on the skin to provide soothing pain relief.

Here’s how to apply CBD topicals:

  • Before applying CBD topicals, make sure to clean the affected area first. Dirty skin may hamper the absorption of CBD, which affects the desired effects of this supplement.
  • Apply the CBD topical product by following the instructions of the manufacturer. Hence, check the label for the right amount.
  • Massage the affected area to spread the CBD, allowing proper absorption.
  • Avoid washing the treated area for six to eight hours. This promotes rest and proper CBD absorption.

If the pain still persists, contact your sports or fitness doctor right away.

4. CBD Products Can Help Boost Fitness Performance

As previously mentioned, CBD may reduce the amount of inflammation that develops after a physical activity. In addition, it may also reduce the amount of swelling that develops right after an injury. Because of this, it’s beneficial for your fitness performance.

To help boost your fitness performance, here are some ways to consume CBD:

  • Ingest CBD oil 30 minutes before your exercise. This helps prepare your body and mind for fitness training.
  • Pop some CBD gummies or your favorite CBD-infused edibles an hour or two before fitness training. Healthy CBD edibles provide longer, sustained CBD benefits.
  • To help soothe your muscles, apply CBD topicals before and after fitness training.

You may want to contact a local sports medicine specialist in your area to discuss the benefits that CBD has on your body, as well as to discuss the potential risks of any CBD product that you may be considering using.


There are many ways to use CBD products to support fitness. CBD products aid in strengthening your immunity, faster muscle recovery, and better performance. If you have health and fitness problems, you should discuss your concerns with your doctor, especially if you don’t want to use any CBD products along with your prescribed medications to treat them.