The coronavirus pandemic has wreaked considerable havoc on the world causing thousands of lives to be tragically shortened. The coronavirus is an even scarier enemy due to the fact that it has no known cure yet. The impact of the coronavirus on the body can be reduced if your immune system is robust. Read on about how to strengthen your body during Corona virus.

Whether the body wins against the virus or it succumbs to it is dependent on the body’s immune system, among other factors. Age, gender, and other underlying health issues are other factors known to determine the virus’s impact on the body, but by making conscious efforts, it is possible to win the battle.

How to Boost Your Immune System to Fight the Coronavirus

The following are ways to boost your immune system against coronavirus. These principles not only boost your immune system but they also help your general wellbeing.

1.  Make Water Your Best Friend

During this pandemic, you need to stay hydrated. The reason is that water helps carry oxygen around the body so the body can perform its normal functions. Also, water helps detox the body of harmful substances, toxins, and bacterial that could affect your immunity system.

It is recommended that you drink at least ten glasses of water every day. You should drink even more during this lockdown period to stay active. If you cannot keep up with drinking water, you could download an app to notify you every time you need to drink water.

Also, take water-filled fruits such as watermelon, cucumber, orange, etc. You could also indulge in drinking healthy beverages.

Here are some coronavirus resources to help you and your loved ones navigate through this uncertain time.

2.  Eat Nutritious Meal

The importance of nutritious meals cannot be overemphasized because we are what we eat. Food helps you stay healthy; it helps the body perform the normal functions. Furthermore, the type of food you eat determines the strength of your immune system.

Eat nutritious meals and endeavor to stay away from processed foods, unhealthy snacks, and junk food. Instead, eat more food that boosts your immune system and help you fight infections, viruses, and diseases.

Go for wholesome grains, vegetables, and fruits. They help strengthen your immune system. You can never go wrong with fishes, broccoli, bell pepper, carrot, garlic, turmeric, ginger, cucumber, oats, citrus fruits, etc.

A research carried out in 2017 showed that Vitamin C helps build the immune system, and lowers the risk of respiratory infections. This means that foods and fruits high in Vitamin C can help strengthen your body against coronavirus.

3.  Take Body Supplements

Some of the compounds and nutrients we need are not produced (in large quantities) by our bodies. Also, some of them aren’t often present in the foods we eat. This is why supplements are needed.

Supplements are modified to contain compounds and nutrients that would aid our general body system and boost our immune system. By taking them, you are strengthening your body against coronavirus.

4.  Exercise Your Body Regularly

You have to keep your body fit to stay healthy. One of the ways to stay active is by exercising. When you exercise, you boost the flow of blood around your body.

This happens with the help of the white blood cell. In turn, the white blood cells aid the immune system to fight infections and diseases.

5.  Avoid Stress, Relax and Get Adequate Rest

Indeed, this stay at home period is work from home period, but you still need to find time to rest. Let go of stress by creating a schedule for handling tasks; this would help you not to feel choked up by activities. Also, endeavor to take resting breaks in between work. Working for extremely long hours has a damaging impact on your physical and mental health.

From time to time, relax and have fun indoor by playing with your family and or pets. See movies, call friends, play games. Just do anything that you see as fun to help avoid depression.

6.  Make Sure You’re Getting Enough Sleep

Just like eating nutritious meals, the importance of sleep cannot be overemphasized. This has two reasons attached to it. One, sleeping well helps your body replenish lost energy. Two, sleep helps boost your immune system.

When you are asleep, the body produces a compound called cytokines to help boost your immune system. Cytokines are needed for the immune system to actively fight off infections and diseases.

When you don’t get adequate sleep, fewer cytokines are produced, which means that without it, your body is more vulnerable to infections, viruses, and diseases. Make sure to sleep for at least 8 hours to aid your immune system and boost your overall wellbeing.


The fight to end coronavirus starts with you. In addition to all the lifestyle principles given above, follow all laid down coronavirus guidelines such as wearing a face mask, washing your hands regularly, and practicing social distancing. Ensure you practice all the laid down instructions, maintain good hygiene, get adequate sleep, avoid stress, exercise regularly, and stay hydrated wear your face mask when going out, avoid gatherings, etc. By doing all of these, you will be strengthening your body against coronavirus.