Stretch marks have a prevalence rate of 50 to 90 percent. Both men and women are affected by these white linear lesions, but it is relatively common among the latter, especially during pregnancy. It’s perfectly normal to have stretch mark; in real life it can be hard to find someone who doesn’t have any at all. As we grow and go through puberty skin changes it can be demotivating to see how much our skin stretches, and how many extra marks it gets. Luckily there are lotions to help make these changes less obvious. If you feel like you lack confidence, you can look into DIY solutions for how to treat stretch marks or store products that can help you get your skin to look smooth and mark-free again.

Roughly 43 percent of pregnant women develop stretch marks about 24 weeks before the gestation period. Primary causes of stretch marks include higher levels of cortisone and stress, genetic tendencies, and a decrease of fibrillin and elastin fibers.

The general orientation of these fibers usually changes to an abnormal parallel pattern due to stretch marks. From tanning to stretch mark removal cream, here are things you can learn regarding how to treat stretch marks:

Retinoic Acid

Tretinoin or retinoic acid can help diminish early stretch marks. It can go through the upper layer of your skin and essentially rebuild your collagen.

This stretch mark removal cure is only available by prescription. Tretinoin is usually effective in keeping your stretch mark in proportion with your skin tone.

Regardless of its benefits, there has been little evidence to confirm its effectiveness. It can also cause side effects like peeling and redness among nursing or pregnant women.

Natural Stretch Mark Removal Cream

Unlike tretinoin, stretch mark removal cream like Manuela Lubin Delicate Beauty works best for pregnant women because of its organic ingredients. A natural removal cream is typically packed with vital minerals designed to not only eliminate skin impurities but also prevent buildup.

A natural stretch mark removal cream also prevents the occurrence of future scars as a result of growth spurts. They are responsible for nourishing and moisturizing your skin for added elasticity, as well as in reducing inflammation caused by stress on the body.

Natural stretch mark removal creams also reduce visible discoloration, freckles, and age spots. Expect the fading of dark marks, blemishes, and skin tightness or firmness after applying a removal cream.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy

Another way to increase collagen production in the skin is through platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP). This medical procedure uses platelet-rich plasma extracted from the person’s blood to improve appearance.

The therapy also tightens the tissue and removes excess skin. Nonetheless, a PRP can be quite expensive, with each injection costing between USD 500 to USD 2,500 depending on the complexity of the procedure.

Why is Stretch Mark Removal Cream The Best Option?

Cost-efficiency is perhaps the most significant advantage of stretch mark removal cream, among other solutions. A removal cream usually costs around USD 50, but you can get it much cheaper from manufacturers like Manuela Lubin Delicate Beauty.

Going directly to the manufacturers cuts out the middlemen, thus, giving you an ability to negotiate the price for regular orders. Buying from the manufacturer is recommended for bulk buying as it can help you get exclusive discounts.

Removal creams also have little to no side effects since it outsources materials straight from fresh olive trees and oils. This prevents the growth of acne on your face or any undesirable marks on your body.

The skin condition keeps changing as we age. Get yourself a stretch mark removal cream before any unwanted skin discoloration takes place. Opt for the products that have a hundred percent natural ingredients and enjoy the positive results in no time.