Acid reflux often causes unpleasant raw pain and can also lead to more severe complications. That is why highly experienced and skilled surgeon Dr. Jacob Rinker in Casper helps patients clear out any severe complications associated with the reflux. When your doctor has examined your condition, there are several ways your condition can be managed, including surgeries when necessary. However, your provider can also recommend more natural ways to relieve acid reflux. Have a look at the following ways of managing acid reflux without medications.

Avoid Certain Foods

According to medical experts, acid reflux can be triggered by some types of common food you eat daily. Although times have changed and today anything can be eaten, you may be required to eliminate some foods from your diet despite them being your favorites.  Some of these foods include spicy foods, chocolate, tea, coffee, garlic, onions, tomatoes, fatty foods, and mint. However, don’t worry about the list; if you have been eaten these foods regularly, you only have to eliminate and reduce the intake until you have managed the reflux, and you can try adding them back one by one.

Eat Sparingly and Slowly

Sometimes all it requires to manage your acid reflux is just observing some eating etiquettes. This is because if you eat too much at once and your stomach is full, there are high chances that you will experience more reflux on your esophagus. You would rather eat small meals more frequently to avoid such cases. Also, please ensure you don’t eat rapidly, as it can also contribute to reflux.

Avoid Carbonated Beverages

Most carbonated drinks make you burp and send acid to the esophagus, causing acid reflux. Besides, you would rather drink flat water than sparkling water. Also, avoid alcohol.

Don’t Rush to Bed After Eating.

After you eat, it is good to remain seated or standing for a while as that alone keeps the acid in the stomach. When you sleep immediately after eating, the acid produced to help digestion can easily get into your esophagus, causing acid flux. Therefore, sometimes take time before going to bed after eating and avoid naps after lunch, late supper, or midnight snacks.

Be Still after Eating

After eating a meal, please avoid vigorous exercises or activities and don’t move fast. Relax before doing any activity, particularly that involved bending over as it can send acid into your esophagus. However, an after-dinner stroll is fine, only that you shouldn’t do any strenuous workout.

Check Your Sleeping Posture

Ideally, you are supposed to sleep on an inclined angle with your head being 6-8 inches higher than your feet. Several ways can help you achieve this, including bed risers or using a foam wedge support. This prevents your acid from getting into the esophagus.

Check Your Medications

Several studies have found that some medications contribute to acid reflux. For example, postmenopausal estrogen, anti-inflammatory painkillers, and tricyclic antidepressants can relax the sphincter. Other medications, particularly those taken to increase bone density, can irritate your esophagus. Therefore, you need to check on your medications and talk to your doctor about the necessary steps you should take to manage your reflux.

Please note that the above methods may not work independently, but your provider can use them as a substitute for other treatment procedures. If you are experiencing a flux, please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Rinker.