A person’s menstrual cycle starts on the first day after their last period and spans until their next period starts. It’s considered an irregular period if it lasts for over 38 days or if the duration of the period varies. There are several possible causes of an irregular period, from a hormonal imbalance to several other issues and conditions.

If a person begins to experience an irregular period, they should be evaluated by their doctor. Getting to know some of the causes and the symptoms is a good idea. Keep reading to learn some of the most common causes of irregular periods here.


During regular periods, using feminine products is a good idea. However, when things get irregular, knowing the cause is essential. A common cause for an irregular period is pregnancy.

Pregnancy may result in a person to miss their period or even experience spotting. Some of the other earliest symptoms of pregnancy including fatigue, breast tenderness or tingling, sensitivity to different smells, nausea, and morning sickness. If a person misses a period or if they notice changes in their period after they have had sex, it’s a good idea to take a pregnancy test or see the doctor.

Hormonal Birth Control

Another common cause of irregular periods is hormonal birth control pills. This can also happen because of intrauterine devices, which are often called IUDs.

Sometimes birth control pills can cause spotting in between a person’s periods. It may also result in lighter periods. IUDs can cause heavier bleeding than normal, so it’s a good idea to keep track of these things.


While many people aren’t aware of this condition, perimenopause is the transition phase that a person goes through before menopause. It typically starts when a woman reaches her 40s, but it may occur earlier in some.

A woman may experience symptoms and signs that last for four to eight years. It typically begins with changes to the woman’s menstrual cycle. When a woman’s estrogen levels fluctuate during this time, it can cause their menstrual cycles to become shorter or longer.

Some of the symptoms and signs that a woman is in perimenopause include vaginal dryness, difficulty sleeping, mood changes, night sweats, and hot flashes. If a woman finds that they have these symptoms, they can speak with a doctor to see if there is a treatment option available to help with some of the symptoms.

PCOS: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

One of the most common symptoms of PCOS is irregular periods. If a person is suffering from PCOS, they may miss periods or experience heavy bleeding when their period occurs. Sometimes, PCOS can cause some other issues. These issues include things like weight gain, obesity, male-pattern baldness, excess body hair, excess facial hair, infertility, and other issues.

Speak with a Doctor for Further Help

When it comes to a woman’s period, there are more than a few factors to keep in mind, including getting help for irregular cycles. If a person notices that these problems are continuing or that they have gotten worse, the best thing they can do is call for a check-up with their doctor.

Don’t underestimate the benefits offered by getting a doctor’s help. Being informed is the best way to ensure the issue related to period irregularities is handled.