Also known as abdominoplasty, the tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat to improve the abdomen’s shape and appearance. During the tummy tuck procedure, the connective tissue in the abdomen is also tightened with sutures, and the remaining skin is repositioned for a more toned look.

Is Tummy Tuck Surgery Worth It?

After significant changes to your body following a pregnancy or a major weight loss, it may be hard to lose the excess skin around your midsection. And this extra skin can make it uncomfortable to wear your favorite beach clothing, resume your walking style, or feel confident with your body.

A tummy tuck surgery is worth it for patients with excess skin, remaining fat deposits, and separated muscles. Most patients start noticing the incredible results after three months, and by six months, their bodies look much more different.

Tummy Tuck Surgery Options

There are multiple tummy tuck surgery options to help you tighten any sagging skin and regain subtle tummy contours. During the first consultation, the surgeon examines your skin’s condition and determines the appropriate surgical procedure that will give you the desired results.

These options include:

Mini Tummy Tuck

During this tummy tuck procedure, the surgeon focuses on the area below the navel, making a single incision at the bikini line. Then, after stretching the skin downward, the surgeon smooths and adjusts it for more defined body contours. This procedure is ideal for correcting any physical changes after pregnancy.

Full Tummy Tuck

This cosmetic procedure corrects the entire midsection, allowing the surgeon to remove excess skin from the lower and upper abdomen. Although the full tummy tuck is highly effective in removing sagging skin and achieving a more toned midsection, it does require a longer incision (usually from hipbone to hipbone). 

This surgical procedure is excellent after a pregnancy or significant weight loss.

Extended Tummy Tuck

This cosmetic procedure removes significant amounts of skin, especially after a massive weight loss. The surgeon makes a single incision wrapping around the abdomen, allowing them to correct the abdomen, hips, and lower back/upper buttocks. This procedure can leave a more visible scar than other tummy tuck procedures.


Using cutting-edge technology, BodyTite® radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL) eliminates stubborn fats to achieve a smoother, slimmer physique. The surgeon inserts a thin tube (cannula) under the skin and simultaneously places an electrode on the outer surface.

The radiofrequency waves melt the fat underneath to make it easy to remove. At the same time, the heat from the waves stimulates more collagen production, which tightens the skin.

Who Qualifies for a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck can significantly enhance your body image. And anyone can make an ideal candidate if they have a weak lower abdominal wall or excess skin or fat around the navel. 

It’s advisable to be close to your weight loss goal six to twelve months before your surgery or about 10 to 15 pounds from your goal. 


Q: What is the best tummy tuck procedure for patients with significant weight loss?

A: An extended tummy tuck is the best surgery for refining body contours after significant weight loss.

Q: What is the main downside of a tummy tuck?

A: A tummy tuck leaves a scar that fades after healing but never disappears entirely.

Q: Is a tummy tuck recovery painful?

A: Depending on the individual, patients experience the most pain in the first week, gradually reducing in the second week and beyond.

Q: How long does it take to heal from a tummy tuck procedure?

A: It takes around six weeks to heal after the surgery.

Q: When is it safe to start exercising after this cosmetic surgery?

A: Patients can safely exercise and resume their daily routine after three months.

Q: Will I need to wear an abdominal binder after the surgery?

A: You must wear an abdominal binder six weeks after surgery to support your abdomen and prevent fluid buildup.

Q: Which strenuous activities should I avoid before healing?

A: You should avoid strenuous activities, including vigorous exercise or heavy lifting.

Q: Why should you perform light exercises such as walking after a tummy tuck?

A: A bit of walking helps to keep your blood flowing and reduces the chances of developing a blood clot in your legs.

Q: How long does the swelling last after the cosmetic procedure?

A: Swelling takes up to three months after the surgery as the wound takes much longer to heal.

Q: How long does it take to walk normally after the procedure?

A: It takes four weeks to comfortably take on light activities such as light cycling or brisk walking.

Q: Will the tummy become entirely flat after healing?

A: Not necessarily. But you will notice changes at intervals of three months, six months, and one year after your surgery.