The lockdown period caused by the Covid-19 crisis is affecting everyone in the world, especially to our fitness routines. Many people are sitting at home and not exercising because they cannot go to their local sports ground or their local gym. That is the wrong attitude and is not enough reason to remain sedentary. There is much you can do at home to remain active and maintain your gains in isolation. All your hard work does not need to go down the drain.

The following are some tips that will help you do just that:

Take Weight Loss Shakes

A major mistake I have seen many people do during this lockdown is to consume the same amount of food as before despite a reduction in physical activity. Simply put, you cannot keep eating the same heap of food as you were when you were going hard in the gym.

You can replace a meal or a snack with a weight-loss shake. You can find a lot of information about the best weight loss shakes, some of which are discussed here, as they will provide you with the nutritional equivalent of a full meal. Due to them being high in protein and low in carb constitution you will see rapid results and keep your sculpted muscles.

Try Bodyweight Exercises

Very few of us have the same equipment we would find at a gym. It will be difficult to replicate your gym routine especially if you are a heavy lifter. To maintain your gains in isolation, you should try bodyweight exercises. They will help you stay in shape and also introduce your body to new challenges.

You may be unable to get the resistance you had at the gym, but your muscles will still be worked and your gains will not be lost. Who knows, you may find that you like doing frog jumps and pull-ups.

Remain Active

When it comes to fitness, the main thing is to be active. During this lockdown period, the movement has been severely restricted so we find ourselves going out less and less. When you go out for groceries or other necessities, use your feet. It will help you remain active and it will help you stay active.

If you cannot train as you did before, you should find a way to avoid being sedentary. You can create new routines to do alone or it may even include playing with your children. If you want to maintain the gains you made before the crisis, keep active as much as possible.

Find a Buddy

Most people find it easier to exercise when they have a partner. Though large gatherings are prohibited during this time, two people working out together is acceptable as long as you take the necessary precautions. Therefore, reach out to one of your gym buddies or teammates for a workout next time. They are also probably wondering how they will maintain their fitness during this novel period.

Having a training partner will only give you extra motivation to train since you will have someone to hold you accountable. However, you are ultimately responsible for your own fitness. You can do more with a training buddy than you would on your own which allows you to add more to your training routine. That way, you can maintain your fitness gains easier than you would on your own.

Eat Right

The key to maintaining your gains is still nutrition. That does not change because you are working out at home. We are what we eat and if you want to lose your fitness gains, eating junk is the fastest way to do so. It will be harder to avoid eating junk during this period since most people are storing food in bulk but whenever you can get fresh produce, do it.

Eat as much fiber as possible and ensure your meals are nutritious. Since most people are not going to work, it should be easier to cook your own healthy meals.

Get Enough Sleep

The final piece to the fitness puzzle is rest. You may think you are getting enough rest during this lockdown period but just because you are spending more time on the couch does not mean you are resting.

You should ensure you get adequate sleep at night for you to retain the fitness gains you made before the Coronavirus crisis. It is even more important now as we need strong immune systems which are restored when we sleep at night. A good sleep routine is essential to a night of good sleep. Keeping your room dark and quiet helps too.