Contraception is a crucial part of any woman’s family planning strategy. At one point, it was a limited category but changes in technology and procedures have increased options. Making the right choice about contraception with the help of the doctors at Integrated Family Medical Center adds to the safety, comfort, and reliability for those who use it correctly.

Condoms And Spermicides

One of the easiest to buy forms of contraception is this category. Condoms are a male form of contraception that covers the penis and prevents sperm from entering the vagina. It is far from a perfect method and a broken condom is difficult to spot in the heat of the moment. Some of the features often found with condoms:

  • Lubrication to keep friction at bay and ensure each movement of the penis is smooth and steady. It is also claimed to work with the vagina’s natural fluids to heighten the experience for both partners.
  • Flavors and colors are one of the newer trends that are designed mostly for decoration than actual stimulation.

Spermicides can be found on selected condoms as an additional barrier. The substance is also available on its own; women can insert a selected amount via applicators for their own choice about contraception. It is safe to use it in combination with a condom as part of a two-step method.

Birth Control Pills

This category of contraception covers both over-the-counter and prescription pill options. Over-the-counter birth control pills cover emergency situations. Most commonly called Plan B, although that is merely a brand name and not related to the medicine itself, this choice is used in a select window of time after intercourse occurs. The key ingredient for any of these pills is levonorgestrel, a fairly well-known medication for pregnancy prevention.

Prescription birth control pills provide even doses of hormones that work to prevent pregnancy. They come in monthly packets that list the weeks as well as the days. A select week is set up for the usual period. Anyone taking the pills can choose to stop taking the pills that week or continue with the selected week. Most practitioners write the prescription to cover a full year, while others may only write it for a selected length of time based on other conditions or the need for additional visits. These are often the most common choice about contraception.


IUDs in the abbreviation for devices placed inside the uterus. This is not an over-the-counter option and must be inserted in a doctor’s office. For the procedure, a medical professional will insert the device. It usually starts with an exam to check cervical placement than the actual placement of the device. A doctor can go over possible side effects as well as what to expect during the insertion. It is by no means a perfect solution and a condom may be needed for intercourse within the first month. This is also not a permanent solution as the IUD itself must be replaced within a set number of years. The total number of years before replacement vary between brands.