As humans, we are capable of feeling strong emotions and thinking deeply. It’s a wonderful trait to have, especially when things are going well! But when it seems like life is hitting you with wave after wave of stress, it’s common to retreat and try to ignore the issues. No matter who you are or where you live, it’s easy to see that a lot is going on globally. Between your own personal stresses and the global issues that can feel unfixable, of course, you’re going to have some concerns!Adding the stress of thinking you’re weak or too emotional to the list of cares you have is another go-to coping strategy. But according to many mental health professionals, it’s okay not to be okay.

If you notice your emotions are a little off-kilter lately, don’t worry. Even the experts say it’s fine to be feeling these five things.

1. Helpless

Between the global pandemic and its repercussions and the myriad of other problems in the world, even the experts can feel helpless. We live in an era with no precedent, so there is no right or wrong path to take.

Without knowing who to turn to for direction, it’s completely understandable that you feel helpless. You want to do your part and make the world a better place, but how?

Wanting to save the environment, for instance, is a worthy endeavor. However, even the most knowledgeable scientists have been unable to achieve this mission.

You don’t have to save the world to make an impact on it, though. You might feel less helpless and more in control by volunteering in your hometown or online. Slowly, you’ll see that you can make a difference just by being you with the help of mental health professionals.

2. Unproductive

Society is on a pendulum swing right now, with the trend aiming toward constant improvement. Social media is full of dangers when it comes to this perspective. When you watch others always talking about their next targets, you think you have to be moving at the same pace.

In our go-go-go daily hustle, it’s easy to ignore the many things you are doing and focus on what you’re not. This can create the false sense that you’re unproductive.

Everyone moves at their own rate. Growth is an individual, unique thing. You can encourage it along, but you can’t force it.

Before you start chastising yourself for being unproductive, check to make sure all your core needs are met. In the hierarchy of needs, humans must have their basic physiological, and psychological needs met first. This includes security and stability.

Once those are safely under you, then you can begin to work on self-fulfillment activities to help you reach your potential.

But with all the disruption in this post-COVID world, don’t push yourself. It’s not uncommon for the physiological and psychological aspects to need help first.

3. Calm

Did you ever think you’d feel bad about being calm and content?

When the rest of the world seems to be on fire, flooding, or drowning in catastrophes, you are going through your daily life as usual. According to mental health experts, this, too, is perfectly fine.

How you react to stress is based on your past experiences and your temperament. Not everyone responds to triggers by freaking out or getting emotional.

Don’t feel bad for going about your day. If that’s how you cope with stress, it’s a great mechanism! Remember that not everyone can handle problems quite as well as you do. Have patience with them and, maybe, you can help them find their coping strategies.

4. Burned Out

Living in uncertain environments and always on the lookout for what you need to do next keeps you in a constant state of vigilance. Eventually, no matter how strong you are, this high alert results in burnout.

If you’re at the burnout level, you may be noticing symptoms like:

  • More than usual fatigue
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Increased illness
  • Aches and pains
  • Depression and/or anger
  • Irritability

While it’s understandable for you to feel burned out, it’s not something you want to ignore. Without making a change at a deep level, where a lot of the stress is coming from, your burnout could result in more severe problems.

It’s never easy to ask for help or say no to your responsibilities. Doing so now, though, can keep you from a wipeout situation later.

5. Guilty

Guilt is one of those feelings that we have, whether we’re doing a lot or not enough.

There will always be something more you could help with or someone who is stepping up a little extra. Recognizing that guilt is a common feeling that has no real basis can help you nip it in the bud.

Unless you know you did something wrong, in which case you can make amends for the action, guilt has no purpose.

You need to focus on what’s best for you, even if that means enjoying a spa day while there are homeless people in your city.

Find a balance in knowing that you’re doing your best to make your corner of the world feel safe and secure. You can’t fix seven billion people.


When it seems like you’re all alone in this big, crazy world, your feelings can become overwhelming. However, this may be the first time where the world has united in the sharing of so many common emotions.

With mental health professionals letting you know it’s okay to feel these emotions, you can work on getting through them instead of trying to ignore them. It’s normal not to know what your normal is yet. You will get there with time!

Author Bio:

Janey Ha (Business Manager): Janey has over eight years of experience in property management with a strong background in hospitality. She has worked in many different types of communities and is a local to the Koreatown/DTLA market.